So I have been reluctant to ask opinions of others in fear of ugliness repeating itself but I need the opinion of other Momma's. Ok, I don't "need" it...but I sure would like it:)
Being a Momma is still the best gift God has given me outside of salvation and a spouse. It is joy and sorrow, love and anxiety, peace and chaos all wrapped into one. I love it. While right now personally I am wrestling with alot in my heart...being a Momma is coming dare I say it: easier. I didn't say easy; I said easier. What I mean as opposed to impossibly hard it is only insanely difficult. Sadie Jane is mainly to thank for this. Her disposition calms me and brings me happiness. Micah's hysterical personality and incessant chatter keeps me cracking up. Life with my babies, while challenging, is my favorite mess to be in.
All that to say there are some areas that are giving us a little trouble ...
a) "operation poop in the potty" All roads have led to pullups. We've tried rewards, bribes, punishment nothing seems to work. We have tried putting him in big boy pants and not giving him a choice...boy held it for three days. So now he just asks for a pullup when it gets to be that time. He goes and we change him, then back to big boy land. He flat refuses to go in the potty. We know it is a control thing...the one way he can stick it to the man (or in this case, the momma) but we really don't know what else to do, any suggestions?
b) fits. If you haven't seen one of these you are a lucky soul. But lately Micah at a moments notice can throw himself full into a fit. He gets timeout or spankings for disobedience or if it is close to bed or naptime and he can't pull it together then he gets a free ticket to early nappy nap. Is this a phase? Is this normal? What do you do to stop this? Unfortunately something about this fitpitching makes me super angry...I wish it didn't but because I KNOW that he can turn it on or off it just really frustrates me. I usually have to walk out and count to ten. Today I didn't do that and I yelled at Micah. He looked up at me and said "Why you yelling at me, Mommy?" Ughh. Break my heart and stomp on it. I took my ten seconds and then apologized but boy do I feel crummy about my actions. He did stop the fit though.
c) cereal. Not the cheerios kind but the kind for Sadie Jane. We started Micah at 4 mths but he didn't really eat any til 5. When did yours start and does this mess or help with reflux? Just trying to decide what to do.
Now I know no two kids are the same..and so far mine are anything but ordinary on anything they do...but just wanted to get some feedback. Thanks!