Thursday, January 15, 2009

sghetti and the hubby...

So I am sure everyone has pictures of their child eating spaghetti and they all look the same. But these are of my child and I thought they were so cute.

On another note my dear sweet husband is the one who took the pictures. I wanted pictures but we were in the middle of dinner and I didn't want to have to go back up stairs to get the camera...and I was starving. But Mick went and got it and took the pictures. I know, thanks for the play by play...but I say all this b/c Mick and I are doing the "lovedare" book and I am fulfilling todays dare on the blog. Today we are supposed to let our spouse know someway special that we cherish them. I thought why not do it some place public in a place where I might usually be a little harder on him than encouraging. So all this to say I have a great husband who supports me so well. He does the little things like going to get the camera and giving Micah a bath. AND I could not deal with all the stink that has been going on without him by my side telling me he's got my back. So hopefully Mick reads this before baseball or else I have failed the dare technically.
(fyi: the love dare is from the movie fireproof, which we haven't seen so i am not endorsing it specifically, if you were curious).

Sorry for minding my business for you to read but I had to find another outlet:) Thanks in advance for understanding. Stay tuned for husband bashing tomorrow. Just teasing! I love you Mick!


beth ewing said...

i keep hearing about this. heard the movie was actually pretty good although some of the actors weren't hollywood quality. i really want to go see it.

Anonymous said...

bet that shirt isnt white anymore...-taron

Mick said...

Thanks so much for what you are doing and the post definitely fulfilled the dare much better than I did. I LOVE YOU and thank you for making me apart of the blog. You know how I love the attention. You are the best and I thank God for you everyday.