Bay with the microphone refusing to sing. A shocker to those who know her well.
Today is our niece Bay's 6th birthday. This was the first year that she had a real friend birthday and notsomuch the family kind. It was time for it but it is so hard to see her grow up so quickly. She had a "Rock Star" Party at a local girls store and we stopped by to see part of the festivities, it definitely wasn't a place for men or boys. They did the girls makeup and hair and then had them dance, sing and walk the runway. The runway was definitely my favorite; watching the little girls strut their stuff, then strike a pose just made me crack up. It also made me want to have the same birthday party for myself and my friends! I would have loved that when I was little, but I would definitely love it now!
gu231953Bay is an absolute doll. I love having her in choir. I AM surprised that she refused to sing. Oh well, we all go through stages.
looks like fun.
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