Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lesson Learned...

close call. So yesterday was Micah's scariest moment of his and my life. We went shopping together in the am and had fun and then headed to the pool with Baby Rex and his mom Amy and Grandma Melinda and my mom and Hayden. We had a great time at their really cool pool until...the close call.

I really didn't want to post about this because I thought of the judgement and the shame on me. BUT then I thought about it happening to someone else and I decided to post. There is still a big lump in my throat when I think about it and I want to both laugh, cry and throw up at the same time when I think of what could have happened. So, Hayden and Micah were playing together and Micah was wearing his swimmies as usual. I had allowed him to take them off and jump to me since Sadie Jane was at home with Mick (bad idea). After we practiced swimming we put the swimmies back on him and I went back to visiting with friends. I totally let my guard down because I felt security for Micah with his swimmies on. I actually had turned to face my friend and was every few minutes checking on Micah. Well all of the sudden Hayden says, "Aunt Steph, Look, Micah can swim!!" I turn around to see Micah staring up at me from under the water. I yank him out, sort of confused as to why in the world he is underwater and then I realize he has taken his swimmies off and stepped off the steps. I take him out of the pool to punish him and then realize he was scared enough as punishment AND I am probably the one who needs the spanking. He is crying saying he just wanted to swim like Haydee. I explain everything to him and then put his swimmies back on. We really had a good time hanging out with friends and after the incident Micah didn't get far from my side.

I don't really think about it again til we get home then I nearly drive myself crazy thinking about what if Hayden hadn't yelled at me, what if I weren't standing right beside him, what if, what if?

I have beaten myself up but my focus now is learning my lesson and making sure it doesn't happen again to me or someone else, especially with all the much worse possibilities. Obviously the fact that Micah had on swimmies gave me that sense of security that I got too comfortable with and didn't really think of all the dangers that could arise. I am WAY more aware now and will not just think I am checking on him constantly but will be much more proactive. We also discussed the situation and I think Micah understands that he has to leave them on unless Mick or I take them off. And we are going to work on teaching him some more swimming skills for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dont punish yourself. I dont know of a parent out there that hasnt had something similar happen to them. Most kids teach themselves how to swim by watching other kids. I remember when Brian was in swimming lessons and the day came when the instructor said it was time to jump off the diving board, I turned white as a sheet because I just knew my 3 year old was fixing to drown. He naturally did what the rest of the kids did and passed with flying colors. That was the scardest moment I had with the swimming.