Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Daddy's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the Dad's out there who read the blog. I think that would make this a personal blog since I am pretty sure Mick is the only male who reads least I kindasorta hope so.

Anyways I wanted to start a new tradition of asking Micah a few questions about Mick each Father's Day and recording the answers...of course adding Sadie Jane when she can participate.

1. How old is Daddy? 37

2. Your Daddy has big________? whiskers

3. What is your favorite game to play with Daddy? baseball

4. What is Daddy's job? baseball field

5. Daddy bothers you when he _________? not anything!!

6. Daddy makes you happy when he__________?

7. What is Daddy's name? Daddy

8. What is Daddy's favorite food/restaurant? soup/outback

9. Anything else you wanna say about Daddy? I love 'em


MissingMyIsaac said...

haha that's awesome! Happy Father's Day Mick!! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are the cutest pictures yet and those two kids love their daddy. sissy

The Kimmels said...

that was the sweetest!

Sarah said...

I'm glad someone finally told Mick about his big whiskers...geez! Get those things under control!

;) Too sweet! Love it1

Amy said...

That is so sweet and original! I love that idea!!