Micah has a pair of pj's that have a cape like the Superman ones, etc. But they say Captain Adorable. And while he drives me bonkers at times he really is adorable to me. Today was his three year old check up a month late and since there were no shots it was pretty fun. I didn't realize all the hearing and vision stuff that started with that checkup. Unfortunately we had a very sweet hispanic nurse that spoke with a VERY thick accent so I don't know how well Micah would have done had he understood more of what she was saying. When she asked Meeca to please nime the piture he looked at her like she had two heads. I finally told him that she was saying name the picture and he immediately caught on. When it happened again I had to explain to her that we talk "country" in our house. Micah was so scared for the whole examination that his dr commented he was the best behaved three year old he had seen in a long time. I assured him he was not the best behaved three year old at our house...and in proper fashion as soon as I got the words proud of you...out the mouth in the car a fit came upon us. He is 35 pounds and 3 feet something inches. The big news was the doctor said no booster til 40 pounds. Micah was super disappointed as was I because now it looks as though we are going to have to buy another car seat since we can't kick him out to put SayJ in and I don't think we can beef him up five pounds in the time it takes our sweet hungry hippo to gain one more:)
On another note for Micah we have been extremely injury/accident prone lately.
His injuries in just the last week:
-black and bruised eye from being hit in the eye from a frisbee shot from Haydee
-scraped elbow from a fall on the walk to the pool
-we all remember the near death drowning...no visible injuries...just psychological
-the worst was a terrible fall from the top of his playhouse when trying to also carry his applejuice up. bruises and a huge scratch on his back.
Those are just the ones I remember...hee hee.

Couldn't let the chance pass without encouraging you to keep your kiddos in a 5-pt harness AS LONG AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE!!! :) I know it is very tempting to move up to the booster asap, for ease and also for the fact that they're soooooo much cheaper, but truly a 5-pt restraint is a bazillion times safer, especially for the younger ones who tend to have "ants in their pants" or who aren't really old enough to understand the importance of sitting still in the booster so that the belt is positioned in the proper place.
Gracie is now 6.5 yrs old, but only weighs 36 lbs and yes she is STILL in a 5point harness seat. And the one we bought goes up to 80lbs and so she will stay in that thing for as long as I can beg/bribe/threaten her to! The joke in our family is that she will be taking her driver's test in that seat, but at the rate she is growing it will seriously be a long while before she reaches the weight limit for a booster.
If you do some googling on booster safety vs. 5-point restraint safety .... I promise you will decide that the booster seat is not so appealing anymore! I have watched crash test videos on youtube, and personal testimonies of Mommy's who lost their children in a crash b/c they were in a booster instead of a restraint ........... admittedly I am a bit over-the-top on this issue but our kids are too precious to risk and my almost-7-year old is perfectly happy with her big girl car seat. And I can relax knowing that thing is solid as a rock and she's a million times safer than all her friends! :)
ps, Extended rear-facing is also safer! You don't have to turn SJ forward-facing once she's 1yr and 20 lbs! Jamin is still rear-facing and will remain so until he won't take it anymore :)
SayJ is already big enough for the next size carseat? The Bop is still pimping out her infant seat and will be for awhile...she is a shrimp, I guess! :)
Okay so I am a complete nerd but I really wanted to come back and share one more thing with you, I thought of this today.
A *really great* car-seat option for Micah would be the Britax Frontier 85. It starts as a regular carseat / 5-pt harness and then later converts to a booster. It will literally be THE LAST carseat you will ever have to buy, b/c it will take him up to 85lbs in the 5-pt restraint, or up to 120 lbs in the booster, AND it has a 9 YEAR EXPIRATION DATE (unlike most which are only good for 5 or 6yrs max). So while it's got a heafty price-tag at $250, considering the fact that you won't have to buy another booster down the road, plus the fact that you can reuse it for SayJay since you get 9yrs from it, really makes it a smart investment IMO. In fact, this is the next seat that the Wren's will be purchasing this fall for our second vehicle :)
Also remember that a traditional booster is not connected to your car in any way, it literally just sits on top of your seat to boost the child up high enough to use the seat belt, that's really it's only job. But with a seat like this, it is secured to your car via LATCH anchors or your vehicle belt, and since it allows you to keep the child in a 5-pt harness for an extended period, a traditional booster simply can not even compare in terms of safety. Seriously apples and oranges.
and also a helpful review from a mom who owns one: http://www.mommieswithstyle.com/britax-frontier-85-a-giveaway/
And lastly I hope I haven't come across as lecturing, that's really not my intention, but simply to share what I've researched and learned since I'm a few years farther down the road of the "Car Seat Shuffle" as I call it. And I know that you are a super-duper protective Mommy like I am and would want to know the safest options for your sweet ones.
ps ... whoo-hooo for a checkup with no shots involved, wish I could get one of those! LOL
Micah is definitely adorable even when he has his fits. Good looking kiddo, that's for sure! I can't believe SJ is already big enough for another car seat (not that I truly understand what that means - ha!). Gotta love those hamhocks!!! I hope you have a relaxing weekend in light of everything going on! I had NO IDEA Micah had a near drowning incident in the pool. Brad's younger bro had TWO pool incidents before the time he was 3 and there were grownups around BOTH times. Those things happen so fast and the stories are incredible. SO glad he is safe! love ya'll!!
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