-She started waking up at one every night and wants to eat again!! Uggh.
-She doesn't really love baby food and has already started eating a few big girl foods, carrots, beans and of course my beloved goldfish:)
-She gave up the bottle in May after being sick for a long time. BUT Victory at church yesterday Mick got one down!!
-She loves to wave, baby girls got one trick and she wears it out.
-She does not like Sunday school at all. Not sure what we are going to do about that one.
-She just wants me when I am around. She can be so happy but then if I walk in she goes all whiny til I pick her up. Stinker!
-She loves Micah and wishes he would play with her. Although today he did give her a little lovin'.
-She still nurses SIX times a day if you include the midnight snack she has taken to liking. Plus cereal in the am, plus veggie at lunch and then dinner of fruit and veggie with some table food too! Sheesh!
-She can crawl at the speed of light and loves to cruise around and even lets go every now and then but so far her boots aren't made for walking and I am not upset.
-She has no teeth, still.
-She does this new smile that she squnches up her nose and eyes and smiles at you...something Micah does now when you take his picture.
-She is just like her Momma, she loves to dance (she has two tricks after all:)), her dance move is signature and I love it. I call it the Stevie Wonder...she just kinda does the snake back and forth. It is hilarious.
Ok, ok, enough already. The one other thing is how Sadie Jane seems to be staying a baby a little bit longer than Micah. There are so many differences and similarities between the two and I try not to compare. But I am happy to at least have a reference point this go round. Sadie Jane is growing up but I just feel like she is more babyish than I remember Micah being...maybe it is the cuddliness or the fact that she is still so compact:) I don't want to baby her too much but it is hard when you know it could be your last. I have a feeling I wont be through wrestling with this feeling til she walks down the aisle...ok, probably never.