Dear Micahbird,
Since you've turned four you have turned in to quite the "gentleman and a scholar". You love when I call you this! I was just thinking last night that I didn't want this time to pass without acknowledging what a fun age it is and what a special boy we have. We used to spend all kinds of time just me and you, but no more. Last night we somehow ended up just us going to get ice cream at MickeyD's. We had a date!! You talked and talked and I got to actually hear you and listen. I loved it. You were so excited about your ice cream with fudge brownie. I got extra for both of us and you couldn't have been more thankful. I remember a time where we went to MCD's and got ice creams almost a year ago, how you've changed. I hope we make this a tradition for me and you. I really need to get that time with just my bird. Another favorite are our snuggles and when you tell me "I love you more than anything in this world" I know you tell other people this to, but I don't care. You are all about your Daddy now and sports and boy things, you love him and think he is a rockstar whenever he walks in the door. I am so thankful that you love him and want to be like him. You aren't the Momma's boy you once were and while this makes me sad I know that you are turning into the young man God wants you to be. You aren't all roses now and you have your moments but your heart and spirit are starting to show through all that toddler/fit pitching mess and I love what I see. Although your first few years were beyond challenging I think they make it easier to be appreciative of how you are changing and growing. There are rarely days when I have to deal with you in the ways that I used to and I look forward to you getting up and miss you when I am not with you. Before I "needed" a break and sometimes wished you'd sleep a little bit longer. Sorry, but you were quite the little monster. Even with all that each day I didn't think I could love you any more but each day my heart gets bigger and bigger! I pray I take more time to focus on those things. It isn't your birthday or anything special while I am writing I just want you to know you were loved every step of the way in your life. Especially this grown up four year old year.
Love always,
Ugh, I know, I am having a moment here. It'll pass when the bird wakes up:)
1 comment:
How beautiful! I love hearing how you love to be a mama. It is exciting to hear how Micah is learning and growing. Thank you for sharing with all of us too.
Love you
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