Well, we've been on vacation in the good ole' redneck riveria. Great times but before we left we found out Micah needed glasses. After his 4 year old check up the Dr. said he was borderline and we could take him to an eye dr if we wanted. Hmmm...as you can see from the pictures above, he wasn't borderline at all. He. could. not. see. Sad Momma of the Year for me after our visit with the eye dr. Dr. S said that all children should have their eyes checked at age 1!! No one had told me that and obviously my pediatrician missed that memo because for 2 years in a row he didn't seem concerned at all. Boy am I glad we went. Micahbird has an astigmatism in both eyes. Which means he sees blurry out of both. (As a side note, I didn't know but this is how a child develops lazy eye, when they only have one astigmatism, the other eye does all the work and one eye becomes lazy, if not treated with glasses, etc.) Both of Micah's eyes are affected so he didn't have that option, but hopefully by wearing glasses he will strengthen those muscles and possibly one day not need them?? I know, sounds weird but I will spare you the even longer synopsis:) So far, Micah has been a champ about wearing them. Although I am not so sure how much they are helping. He often wants to take them off while watching tv, etc. which doesn't make sense because he should be able to see better with them. Ahh....I hope to goodness he doesn't inherit my vision too, as I am almost legally blind. Either way he sports his Harley Davidson's nicely, at least in his Momma's eyes. He is turned to the side above because they have flames on the side. The main selling point to a four year old.

Tell Micah I think he is one handsome dude with his new glasses. He looks so cute in his pictures. sissy
no one has ever told us to have our kids eyes checked at 1 year old. they check them at well checks now for Miller and he does fine but that's interesting.
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