My sister, Heather gave birth today to a very sweet and beautiful baby girl. They named her Delilah Dianne. Dianne happens to be my middle name so I kind of think we are going to be tight. Heather did great as usual birthing a baby. Her body was obviously made better for it than mine. I got to witness the beauty of birth again and loved it. It is such a joy when you aren't the one in pain:) Sorry, Heather. Delilah was born today at 2:50, weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces and was 21 inches long! Baby girl and Momma are both doing really well and getting to know one took all I had to leave her at the hospital, but they frown on stealing babies there.
Friday, July 29, 2011
My Sweet Little Namesake!
My sister, Heather gave birth today to a very sweet and beautiful baby girl. They named her Delilah Dianne. Dianne happens to be my middle name so I kind of think we are going to be tight. Heather did great as usual birthing a baby. Her body was obviously made better for it than mine. I got to witness the beauty of birth again and loved it. It is such a joy when you aren't the one in pain:) Sorry, Heather. Delilah was born today at 2:50, weighed 7 pounds and 8 ounces and was 21 inches long! Baby girl and Momma are both doing really well and getting to know one took all I had to leave her at the hospital, but they frown on stealing babies there.
Oh How I love My Bird!
Dear Micahbird,
Since you've turned four you have turned in to quite the "gentleman and a scholar". You love when I call you this! I was just thinking last night that I didn't want this time to pass without acknowledging what a fun age it is and what a special boy we have. We used to spend all kinds of time just me and you, but no more. Last night we somehow ended up just us going to get ice cream at MickeyD's. We had a date!! You talked and talked and I got to actually hear you and listen. I loved it. You were so excited about your ice cream with fudge brownie. I got extra for both of us and you couldn't have been more thankful. I remember a time where we went to MCD's and got ice creams almost a year ago, how you've changed. I hope we make this a tradition for me and you. I really need to get that time with just my bird. Another favorite are our snuggles and when you tell me "I love you more than anything in this world" I know you tell other people this to, but I don't care. You are all about your Daddy now and sports and boy things, you love him and think he is a rockstar whenever he walks in the door. I am so thankful that you love him and want to be like him. You aren't the Momma's boy you once were and while this makes me sad I know that you are turning into the young man God wants you to be. You aren't all roses now and you have your moments but your heart and spirit are starting to show through all that toddler/fit pitching mess and I love what I see. Although your first few years were beyond challenging I think they make it easier to be appreciative of how you are changing and growing. There are rarely days when I have to deal with you in the ways that I used to and I look forward to you getting up and miss you when I am not with you. Before I "needed" a break and sometimes wished you'd sleep a little bit longer. Sorry, but you were quite the little monster. Even with all that each day I didn't think I could love you any more but each day my heart gets bigger and bigger! I pray I take more time to focus on those things. It isn't your birthday or anything special while I am writing I just want you to know you were loved every step of the way in your life. Especially this grown up four year old year.
Love always,
Ugh, I know, I am having a moment here. It'll pass when the bird wakes up:)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Welcome Sawyer!!
Brittany and I have become close friends over the last few years and you have seen pictures of her other son Rhett, since we've betrothed he and SadieJane, even though she could squash him sizewise. We are close friends for so many reasons but I find it the funniest that neither of us can remember how we became friends in the first place. We've known "of" each other for a long time but somehow became fast friends...but aren't sure how:) I love her so much and while a little (ok, a good bit) younger than me the Lord has used her mightily in my life and I am so thankful. We have tons of similarities but our differences are what makes us friends I think. (it seems that way with most of my friends) Her sincerity, go with the flow, trusttheLordness, makes her just what this girl needed in a friend. She is so go with the flow that she allowed me to bring my kiddos and me to see her two day old baby....a way that we are soooo different. She definitely brings balance to me. Here are a few pictures from our first meeting. Here comes the baby fever...
Congrats to the Hanes' family!!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Family Beach Trip 2011

Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Ever Elusive Family Photo.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Harry Potter's Got Nothing on Micah Harper
Friday, July 15, 2011
Cows and Cake, Playdates and Potty's!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
lessons in life.
Disclaimer: This is a free therapy session for myself. Feel free to skip and come back on another day with pictures:)
So I am learning more about myself than I'd care to know lately. I found out a bit ago that I am losing my job at the chicken house. I knew that it was a possibility with the economy and a couple of other factors but after working there so long I just never thought about what came next. But God (and my boss) had other plans. You see I've had my job since before I got pregnant with Micah. I worked at the chicken house full time until I gave birth and then cut back a little and then a little after each child til now I am working just enough to make ends meet. I have taken Micah and then SadieJane in a sling and stapled bulletin boards, delivered chicken, put flowers out and counted coupons all with my babies in tow. It has been the best job to have if you want to stay at home with your children but have to make money. Of course, it has had more than its share of stressors and trying to balance both lives has often gotten me down; you've all heard my pity party before on here. Nonetheless, I am so thankful for the time I got to spend both contributing to our income as well as getting to be with my babies. No matter what happens now, I was given such a gift in being able to do both and I don't want to lose sight of that in all the stress. I am now looking high and low for something to do that would afford me the same luxury(I'll use that term loosely here:)) of working without having to leave my babies somewhere. So far my options are very limited and with that I am learning...
When I found out I was getting canned I didn't cry or beg for my job like I thought that I would(looking back, maybe I should have:)). I was surprisingly calm and felt God's hand in it. I knew at that moment it would be a lesson in trusting God. One that I needed to learn. But not five minutes after I had that peace, satan popped in to remind me of all the ways I am failing and all of the ways this could be just plain BAD news. But I know that is not the case. God is FOR me. He loves me and promises to "give me a hope and future". He does not promise me everything I want in just the way I want it. Nor does He promise me that I am going to have to do the very thing I don't want to do. You see my crazy brain is like a playground for satan's icky thoughts and anxiety. But in all that I can see God refining what is important. Like my trips to target...notsomuch top priority. Then reading to my babies or playing little people or saying good night prayers...pretty earthshattering.
Shortly after finding out I was getting the boot, I hurt my achilles so I couldn't run off the stress that was starting to mount up. Mick's truck broke. I'm having some minor health issues. Micah needs glasses. You know, life just kept on happening even after some bad news hit. Praise the Lord it was minor things and don't I know it could be MUCH worse. God answered in all of those things too. My ankle healed in a weeks time, but long enough for God to keep me from "running" away from Him. We thought we were going to have to tow Mick's truck in, but Destiny's friend came over and magically found the problem and FIXED it.(unfortunately it broke again before I posted:(, but we know it'll be ok:)) I feel better and Micah is I am sure going to look too cute in his new glasses. (cute picture post coming soon:))So even in the details God is there...telling us, I got this, Stephanie. Stop it.
I know that losing my job is one of the only ways God could teach me the things that He wanted. I HAVE to rely on Him. There is just no way around it. I do not know how I will find another job that will work with our family and what we feel is right for us, but I know that God is in control of finding it. (Small disclaimer: I know what we feel is right for our family is not the same as everyone else, I am in no way knocking those who work outside the home, I know you do what is right for your family and I am just trying to do the same for mine) Not that I'm sitting back and doing nothing, in fact, just the contrary, I had been running around searching for any little position. But even in that God is reminding me to both look and search but to trust Him for the outcome and NOT try to do it myself.
Even in my personal time with the Lord He is so kind to speak directly to me. Here are some of the verses that I have been encouraged by...
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
"With everlasting kindness, I will have compassion on you, says the Lord your Redeemer." Isaiah 54:8
and of course...
"God works together for the good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28