I sat down to type the post a few weeks ago and ended up with a funny story for later. Micah and SadieJane are really at an age where they can play together and have fun together. I love it. As I sat down to write this post a few weeks ago I could hear them laughing just outside the sliding glass door on our back porch. They were laughing and I grabbed my camera so I could get some cute pictures to go with my sweet story about how much fun they have together and I look out and Micah has a ball and he is pegging SayJ at point blank range. She is laughing about it. Then he just takes her and shoves her to the ground. I know, warms your heart, doesn't it? Needless to say he got in BIG trouble and my sweet post went out the sliding door with my little mean bird. So, while there are still moments like that around, there are also moments like the ones pictured above and thankfully they are becoming more frequent. I just had to revel in the delight and joy that gives me to see my two babies becoming friends. SadieJane woke up from her nap yesterday all disheveled and just couldn't calm down. Micah came down and said just sit her on the couch with me and go get our milk. So I sat her there, thinking she'd keep crying. Micah put his little arm around her and just kept saying "Bubba's here, SayJ, Bubba's right here." It also helped that I turned on her beloved mouse to watch but Micah left his arm there for the whole show. Now, THAT, warmed my heart:)

A great story, thanks Steph. Praying for many, many more of these moments between the two of them.
So precious. love, sissy
I am so sorry to just now respond to your post on my blog. I did try to email but it bounced back. So glad to link up to your blog. We are doing as well as can be expected. The deployment is half way over. I am thankful for all the Lord is teaching me during this time--and cant wait to all be together again! Your family looks totally precious!
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