Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Little Gymnast.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Making Memories...
One of my favorite childhood memories is one Sunday morning my parents got us up for what we thought was church, then they told us instead we were going to go downtown, ride marta, go to the world of coke and a few other fun things. I still remember what I wore that day. I was just so excited to be doing something different, and probably excited not to sit through church quite honestly. But that is a memory that I love and am so thankful for...that my parents loved us and wanted to make fun memories with us.
I often wander will Micah and SadieJane remember the fun things we've done? I also sometimes hope they forget the ugly things that happen too, so it might be a trade off. Anyways, Thursday we woke up and it was supposed to be cloudy and cooler (in the upper 70's) so I quickly packed lunches and we headed to the zoo to make sure we got our money out of our family passes and to make a memory. It really was a fun day and I feel like it'll at least be a memory I can tell them about, even if they don't fully remember. The two funniest parts of the whole day really had nothing to do with the zoo. Although it was great and almost all of the animals were being fed!! Which means they were all out for us to see. But the two things that happened that I'll remember are that towards the end of our time there we were nearing exhaustion and Micah's little feet were growing weary, when we realized we had lost a croc. Those things are hard to come by so I decided we just had to retrace our steps no matter the cost. Well, Micah thought that was a fun game and he got a little renewed energy. Thank Jesus, (and we did) it wasn't too far back on our trek so we scooped it up and headed out. Micah got more excited about finding that shoe than he did about most of the animals. Lastly, we park waaaaay up a hill at the zoo because it is so much easier. Coming to the zoo is a breeze, but leaving and facing that what seemed to be small but is now gargantuous hill is quite daunting. Micah decided he could.not.walk.anymore. right before we left the gate and embarked on our climb. So I agreed to put him on my shoulders. It also turned out not to be cloudy and was in the lower 90's by this time. So I schlupped him onto my shoulders and pushed SadieJane and her two crocs up that hill to our car. It was a real moment of success for me when we truly made it. Micah was SO impressed and apparently expected me to drop him before we reached the car. He couldn't believe I was "so strong!". We headed home after that with sleepy bodies and good memories!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Last "Prepormance"
Last Wednesday was Micah's performance for gymnastics. He was soooo excited because Ms. Erica had told him he would be receiving a trophy and a medal. He thought that he would be getting one of those huge cheering trophy's because they are on display in the entrance. He was not dissapointed though and was so proud of his. He has taken it every where with him since then. It was last found in the bathroom! One of the few boys at gymnastics, (Mick claims it is good for agility in the future if you are wondering how he stands it:)) he has loved every minute and we have had a great year watching through the mirrored glass each week.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Flea Market Finds
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Cookouts, Pool Dates, and Playdates!
I love, love, love summer. Maybe it is because Mick is home before dark each day, maybe it is because we get to catch up with friends, maybe it is because we get to stay up late, maybe it is because it is what it is:) But we have started summer early in our house. We've busted the sprinklers out, we've unpacked the swim diapers, we've turned up the grill and we are having a blast. Last weekend we got to go to the Rich's pool that is like a small water park. It is awesome and Micah stated on the way home that Aunt April's pool was a whole lot funner than our neighborhoods. Maybe we should have waited til the last day of summer to let him see theirs! Sadie Jane loved it too. I don't have any pictures of Micah because he literally never got still enough. We've also been grilling out alot and hanging out in the backyard with friends. The other pictures are SayJ with her boo RhettHanes. They were really cute together this time. Ahhh, I just love summertime, did I already say that? So, what do you love about summer? Give me something new to love???!!!??
Monday, May 23, 2011
End of the Year "Prepormance"
This year Micah was part of the older group singing. So he did a few songs with a big group then he sang one with just his class. I love this time. It was so much fun watching him sing his little heart out. He is so serious and focused. Unlike most other times in his life:) SadieJane was not so serious or focused and as you can see by the pictures she spent a little time with anyone that would let her get down. We sat in the balcony so her meandering only bothered us and a few other people. Hayden, Jenny and Budda, Nana and Pops were all there to cheer him on. Micah felt so important. Mick and I both were really proud of him. This school thing really seems like it has been a good experience for the bird and us.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Last Day of School.