Tuesday, December 14, 2010

TaTa to the TaTa's

Beware: Graphic Content Below

I love how all of you just scrolled down as fast as you could after my warning. Ha. Well, it is official, I am burning my nursing bras people. They all used to be white but after two babies and 28 months (total for both babies) they look rough...brownish even. I was going to post pictures but even Mick doesn't like to look directly at them.(Pictures of the bras, not anything else...this isn't that kind of blog.) For those who nursing makes squeamish you can probably skip this post altogether. But it is my therapy. Sadie Jane stopped nursing about a week or two ago and it has been a smooth transition. She actually sleeps better after we quit. I think her tummy was actually too full with all the people food and mommy's milk. So for all those books that tell you never nurse your baby to sleep, I say pa-sha, I have two babies that sleep even better and they were both nursed to sleep every night for 14 months each. (Until tonight since I typed that outloud, right?) I know each Momma and child is different but I'm just saying it definitely didn't do the damage to my two that some books said it would. So we are all done with nursing in our house. SayJ has moved on and nursing is no more in our house. The boppy is put away, the nursing pads are in the trash and the bras...well I already mentioned those.

I thought I would write a list of things that I will miss about nursing and things that I will NOT:

Things I will miss:

~Sweet time with my Sadie Jane.

~Knowing that she ate and got what she needed.

~Her going to "the chair" and laying her head on it signaling she was sleepy and wanted to eat.

~Some of the only times we have together with undivided attention.

~Free nourishment for my child.

~The fact that nursing "worked" for me, while hard I know tons of people who couldn't make it "work" and I am thankful that I could have the privilege of doing it.

~The having no period for 23 months. That's right people, almost two years! I don't even remember what it is like...that is over half of our marraige that I have been pregnant or nursing. Things can only get better from here...haha.

~An excuse to eat 40,000 more calories a day. (I know it isn't supposed to be THAT many:))

~The sleep inducement it provided, both for SJ and me.

~Three words: Porn. Star. Boobs.

~All that facebook checking, email "working", texting marathons and general frivolous time will now be seen as wasting time without someone attached to my breast while doing it.

~The way I felt like for once I was sure I was doing the right thing and helping my child. Almost everything else seems to be up in the air!

~No more worrying about lowcut shirts and my stuff falling out. You'd have to find it first for it to fall out now. But at least I am no longer inappropriate, well except in blog writing.

Reasons I will NOT miss being Bessie the Milk Cow:

~Plugged ducts, mastitis and more infections that come with having a small surface area for my plethora of milk supply.

~My husbands incessant jokes. His favorite is offering SayJ a milkshake then proceeding to lift me up and shake me. Nice.

~My body belongs to me again (well, more so than while nursing anyways)

~My undergarments don't have snaps and pads and strings and holes and contraptions that need instructions for putting them on or off.

~I can go someplace and return home after 9.

~Three words: Porn. Star. Boobs. (they aren't as awesome as one would think, especially when touching them could result in a monsoon of breastmilk)

~No more, "Oh, you are STILL nursing?" or "She has TEETH!" remarks to respond to. Although, I was getting good at it.

~No more looking at my watch and timing everything and anything around when a certain someone needs to eat.

~No more looks from people when I whip it out on the tennis court, at the mall, at the burger king or in the car.

And the number one reason each of you is excited is...there will be no more posts about it. Unless...well I better just stick to no more.

So TaTa to the TaTa talk!


EMU said...

Haha. I LOVE this post! :)

blakley said...

i laughed hysterically throughout this post thinking of me starting this nursing journey all over again. your statements were so funny and all so true to any nursing mama!

Tracy Carson said...

This is HILARIOUS!!! I laughed our loud at the porn star boobs explanation. Oh my so funny!