Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Eve Service and Dinner

Me and My Honey...Haydee took our picture!
Sadie Jane's cute.
Heather and HappyMan Chase

Sadie Jane getting down on Chase's level.
Me with MicahReed and SayJ goofy Micah and Hayden.
Girls!! You can see why I asked Hayden to take the picture of Mick and I...Budda took this one. Nice door and tv, right?

So we did our usual Christmas Eve Service at the church I grew up in and Sadie Jane miraculously made it through the whole service...although I have NO idea what was said. Then back to our house for chili, brunswick stew and time with both Mick and my parents. My chili was gross but thank goodness for Pop's and his brunswick stew. My mom and I decided perhaps next year we'll do our presents on Christmas Eve because then my family left and came back 12 hours later for breakfast and presents.

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