We had our annual Christmas with our friend's that include my parents best friends and now some of my best friends as well as now our kiddos best friends. Got that? Clear as mud. Anyways, we got together had a DE-licious dinner and good fellowship and of course the kiddos opened presents. So they were happy. You can see in the pictures above. They had all played so hard by dinner that they were redfaced. It is predominantly boy driven group of third generation kiddos so Sadie Jane was a bit high maintenance, since Ellie who is only five months couldn't play dress up or baby dolls. Haha. The Herendeen's hosted this year and it was fabulous. We had let this tradition go in years past so I was glad we all got together again! My camera died shortly after arriving so I that is why the title says the beginning...I didn't get the rest of the pictures I wanted. Boo hiss.
1 comment:
I'll post the rest of the pictures in January!! haha!!!! Or how about Valentine's Day!!!
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