That's Mick that I am talking about. He is both husband and father. Handy man and artistic lawn decorator. Coach and friend. Loved by many. Talked about by alot more. And the best guy to a few people that live in the house above. Mick's birthday was yesterday and we celebrated ALL weekend. We had family birthday dinner on Friday with just us four. Thanks to Nana we had a hot date on Saturday and then Sunday we had a friend's Christmas party...but they served steak and margarita's so I didn't tell Mick that it wasn't all for him and he seemed to enjoy his "party". Hee hee. Micah did mention that this time wasn't really about Mick but about Jesus. I told him I would let Daddy know. Mick has been working on our yard for a few years. The "Winter Wondersymphony" continues to grow...and after my post about no nativity and then a long search on the internet. I found what I wanted for a little over a hundred dollars, but I told my honey I knew he could make it, he responded, no way. And then proceeded to return home from work the next day with a lifesize sketch and by week's end we had the beautiful scene from above!! He may be a Griswald, but he's got a little more handy in him than ole' Clarky! Happy Birthday to my man!

1 comment:
Your yard looks beautiful!!! We can just move the tradition there soon!!
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