Micah with his snowman he made for me...that I haven't seen or touched since I received it.

Sadie Jane, Des, and Micah

Mrs. Brooks, Micah and Mrs. Truitt

Micah with Mrs. Brooks

Micah, me and an additional four chins. Yikes.

Micah had his school Christmas party last Thursday. Before sickness struck our house. Oh, isn't it always that way for the holiday's. Des was supposed to keep Sadie Jane at home but had car trouble so she ended up being what looked like my Nanny at the party. I just pretended like I didn't know SayJ and tended to being room mom. Thanks all to our Dessy! She is awesome. You can see pictures of Micah's two very amazing teacher's above. Mrs. Brooks is actually his Sunday School teacher too. He loves them both and so do we. I just love that he takes better pictures with them than he ever thought about taking with me. The party was fun, but I think I'll have the roommom thing figured out by the Valentine's day party. It is hard to judge what we'll have time for, etc. so it ends up being a glorified snacktime. But the kids don't seem to mind. My "mompetition side" feels the need for an in depth craft and homemade snack, but the realistic getting two kids out of the house mom ends up settling for a whole lot less. After the party we had a good day then came home in time for Sadie Jane to have her first fever ever. I seriously don't remember her ever having one. So since she had never had one I immediately thought she was deathly ill and diagnosed her with severe kidney problems by the time we reached the doctor on Friday. They did a strep test and it was positive. Great. I begged them to swab Micah bird or just give me drugs but he insisted on telling the dr he felt great to avoid anyone sticking something down his throat. Sadie Jane finally felt better this morning and Micah looked a little peeked. He kept saying he was cold and then wanting me to hold him. But since things are such a whirlwind on Sunday's Mick and I didn't discuss the issue til we were in the car on our way to church. I didn't think Micah should go Mick felt he was fine. I took him in his class and immediately decided he had a fever (which I did take at home and 1 hour prior it was 98.6) by the time we got home it was 102. I did not leave him in class (and I wiped down each door he touched) because I didn't want to give strep back to the KID WHO GAVE IT TO US last week:) Hee hee. Just teasing. Who knows where we got it. I still have children that have been known to lick the floor, their shoes, etc. so it is more likely inevitable that we get these joyous sicknesses. It seems that we insist on being sick for Christmas but it does keep us from just shopping and getting out of focus of what the season is really about...as we sit quarenteened in our home. I am praying that Mick and I can stay out of the strep club just this once. But I don't recall a time when it has passed me by...

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