~Left Sadie Jane for the first time in forever last night and came back and she had a tooth!!! What? Yep, there was not a tooth at 5 and there was one at 9!
~Sadie Jane went to the dr today for her check up. No shots. Yippee! She weighs 19.6 lbs and is 27 inches tall. Her head size stayed in the 95th percentile while her weight went down to 75th and her heighth still at 25th to 50th.
~Mick and I had a date for no particular reason. Oh yeah. That was nice. Just for those who like a deal we ate at PF Changs for 12 bucks and that included a 20 percent tip. AND we were full. But not full enough that we didn't eat dessert that we had coupons for... We shared the chicken and rice stirfry dish. So good and so cheap.
~Micah cusses.
~ Ok, so I'll need to give this one a bit more explanation. Here is how my child became a potty mouth and why I don't feel worthy to wear the above "Wonder Mom" tshirt any longer.
~Yesterday Micah wanted to go to the dentist with me. We are working up to him going again so I thought it was a good idea. He did great and I just loved pretending to love the dentist. Ha. I really do not like it so I had to fake like we were doing something so fun and exciting...anyways at the end the hygenist, who I have only been to twice but can tell she is a nice godly woman. I am having him do his cute what is your favorite color bit? You know, green then dark green. Well then I ask him what his third favorite color is and he responds with what I thought was one of his made up words that sounded very close to d--- it. The hygenist giggles and I say what did you say? to which Micah repeats clear as can be d--- it. Ms. Jamie laughs harder and I am in shock. I try to explain to her that we don't use that kind of language at our house but since she doesn't know me I know she is thinking...yeah right...potty mom. I then just tried to get out of there so I could be embarrassed in the privacy of my own car. I tell Mick about it and we decide he must have accidentally made up that word somehow. He does have a problem saying dang it...thanks Nana:) but he knows he isn't even supposed to say that but I am positive he's never heard the hard core version. So we chalk it up to coincidence and I try not to think about the hygenist. Fast forward to dinner tonight and Micah wanted to sit at the island instead of the table with us. We ask him to move and he says " No, I want to sit here, d--- it." Clear as day...Mick has to say the what did you say and he says it again, correctly in context, dissappointingly.
~Seriously, we have a lot of flaws, we do a lot of things as parents that aren't great or right or whatever, but we don't cuss. I mean I don't neccesarily have strong feelings towards a word every now and then but I just don't have it in my vocabulary...until now. My three year old is now a bad influence. We don't know where this comes from...I mean Jenny's word of choice is the s word and Hayden's....uh oh...I think we'll have to run this one by good ole Haydee.
~ I think the previous update is long enough for now.
That is hilarious!!! I really would have thought he was thinking of a color or something! That is so crazy!!!
I am laughing out loud!
I know it's probably not funny to you but that is absolutely hilarious to me!
That is so funny only because I know how you and Mick are. Neither one of you would even consider talking like that. I wouldnt be surprised if he heard it in the checkout line at a store. I hear words there that I didnt even know existed. lol Yesterday while Brian and I were at the SportsPlex walking there were some very young kids playing basketball about 4 and 5 there were a few choice words coming out of their mouths and their grandmother was sitting right there. Also words like that are common place on even the best of tv programs and movies. Love ya sissy
Yeah I don't mean to laugh, but that is kinda funny! I think it would be PRICELESS to see YOUR face when he said it.
Probably what my mom's face would have looked like. In our house, "butt" and "fart" were bad words!
Maybe it's just a phase? Or maybe he will be a sailor?
Love you WONDER MOM!
Ummm. I would have paid GOOD MONEY to be a fly on the wall at that dentist office. This made me laugh (sorry!) but then I remembered how disappointed I was when I heard my niece curse/cuss (haha)for the first time. I mean, I especially think its funny bc he used it in context!! TWICE. I swear I didn't kidnap him and rub off on him. It wasn't me! :\~
Kids say the "darndest" things! By the way Ms. Jamie is my hygenist too! She is SUPER sweet and you are right she is a godly woman, I promise she made no judgement. She has like a million grandchildren,and a ton of kids of her own, so she knows just how kids are ;) Jon had an appt with her Tuesday and I went with him and she was talking about how she was going to be seeing you the next day or so! Anyways I was laughing reading this post, because I am sure all kids go through it at some point so don't be to hard on yourself...see Katie's blog for some Charlisms if you have not already ;)
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