Sadie Jane is standing all by herself and can actually go from squatting to standing up. It is so cute. It is weird that she has such balance to do that but if she starts to walk her little ankles look like they might collapse under those sweet hammies.
Sadie Jane has started doing the indian noise and can do touchdown like Micah used to do. She is all smiles but continues to be REALLY attached to her Momma.
One thing I realized after we got home from vacation that SayJ sure was eating ALOT and I was starting to get really tired of all her eating. It didn't help to get mastitis on vacation. So I looked on the trusty ol' blog to compare with Micahbird and wouldn't you know Micah was only eating three times a day at this age and I have been letting SayJ eat anytime which means 5 or 6 times!! I swore I could never do that "on demand" type feeding and here we sit at ten months with baby girl eating any time...including the middle of the stinkin' night. Yet another thing I refused poor Micah. So while Sadie Jane has been deprived of her onlychildhood and has to deal with her brother on lots of occasions I feel secure I have made up for it for nursing her until she could burst. SOOOO, this week we gave up that night feeding....for good...I hope:) AND she has cut down to three feedings a day and is quite fine with that. It just seems with the second I rarely have taken or had the time to be disciplined in her routine. It always seems like I say next week...and then here she is ten months old. I think she might nurse til kindergarten and I might not notice. Just teasing people but I really don't know how long she'll go since it is such a sweet time with her.
Sadie Jane survived our family vacation like a champ and loved having Bay as her constant companion. So did I.
Sadie Jane is so sweet but someone commented on how busy and active she is in the same way that Micah looks like they both are going to be superactive kiddos...I don't know where they get this?
Also, in all this I have realized that maybe only having two babies will be ok...I am going to write on that soon. I wanna hear what you all think too. Not that you will have a say in my reproduction...haha...but I am curious on others take on family size.
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