Well our bad day ended on a really bad note yesterday. My Maw Maw who had been going down hill fast in the last few weeks, due to cancer, passed away. It wasn't a surprise to us, we knew that it was coming but it is so sad nonetheless. It is sad for us, but for her a rejoicing. She knew Jesus and we are so thankful that she isn't suffering any longer. The last time I visited her a few days prior she didn't even look like herself and it made me really sad...not wanting to remember her that way. I prayed over her that she wouldn't have to live like that much longer because I know she didn't want to, and nor do I quite frankly. The hardest part is my Dad having to deal with the loss of his parent. My PawPaw died quite awhile ago and was sick most of my lifetime...so his passing was a little bit easier to cope with for my Dad I think. Sadly I wasn't as close to my Maw Maw growing up as I was to my other older relatives. She and my Dad shared the characteristic of being a little harder to get to know. But I loved her and really made an effort to get to know her better after college. She, as all of us do, had a fascinating story of life and love and family and I am thankful I got to hear about it on a few occasions. After we started our family it got harder to get together and I regret that Micah didn't get to spend much time with her at all. My Maw Maw did live a long and healthy life and only at the end did she suffer and fortunately for not too long. So love on your family today being reminded that we aren't promised tomorrow.
Sad for you but happy that she's not suffering any longer. Just remember what a happy reunion you all will have.!
Thinking of your family.
So sorry to hear about grandmother, Stephanie. Praying for your family.
Your family is in our prayers! Let us know if we can help you at all!
Praying for a supernatural comfort over you tonight. xoxoxo
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