Micah started school this week for the second time. Not near emotional this go round that is for sure! He walked right in and loves his new class and new teacher. He is going in the same class as his bff Jaxson so we aren't sure how they will do together but so far so good. Micah is also starting gymnastics again and loving it! Big boy loves life and has fun doing it! But he is also living life large in the fit department. Yesterday he maxed out his fit pitching abilities and I nearly maxed out my patience. Of course it happened at the chicken house for many to see and those that didn't see it they definitely heard it. The girl in the bathroom actually told her mom she was scared! AND I hadn't even spanked him at that point. So our first day of school was definitely followed by a good fit just like last year. Micah also started back gymnastics, for agility, again and loves it too! Gymnastics is done on his own so that is fun for us all. And lastly I am starting a bible study at church during the week and leaving Sadie Jane in nursery for TWO hours! GASP, I know I can't believe it either. All for Jesus, I say, all for Him. Seriously it is really exciting to sit under an awesome teacher and really get to learn. It is going to be a tough class. Genesis...a Precept study. But I am excited for what God is going to teach all of us in these new areas of our lives. And Mick is around here somewhere ...coming through the door...getting a shower and heading back out. Thankful that he continues to work hard and win ballgames so that I get to do all this with our babies!

if this were fb i'd just press the like button. :)
Micah is growin up so fast and gets cuter everyday. I am so proud of him and you also on being able to let Sadie go to nursery for a couple hours. By the way, I think this is the first time I have seen a picture of Micah without his crocs on. lol Love ya sissy
Ahhhh the Monkey Class rocks!! That was our favorite year @ELC, Mrs. Truitt is the best :)
I'm sure he will have a fantastic year!
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