I can not believe you are one year old today! You had stolen my heart from the moment I knew you were growing in my belly...but when that ultrasound lady said it is a girl...tears came and I loved you more. Then when you were born at 10:00 a year ago and I held your little girlie self I loved you more. Today when you woke up and gave me the Momma smile I loved you more. When you crawled, walked, rolled, ran, laughed, cried I loved you more and more and more. You are happy and bring a sense of joy to everyone who is around you. The other day we were somewhere and you said hey to a lady and she barely looked your way and walked on. I was so shocked. Not because this is completely rude (even though I think it is a little bit), but because everyone acknowledges you and seems to be drawn to you. You have a special personality. You and your Bubba are so different and it is no secret or question that God knit each of you individually and it isn't possible that you are just a product of your environment. You are who God made you and that is surely beautiful. No more beautiful than anything else God has made but specially different and special to Him and of course to us...your family that God entrusted you to! Your first year has been a whirlwind and often times you are just drug along for the ride. You rarely complain about us dragging you around with us to all of the "big boy and girl things" we must do. You are sweet and loving and so many good things but you do have your "issues" already, as all girls do. You do not need to or like to sleep very much. You do not like for me to leave the room, the couch, the house. You have decided you love to scream, especially when it is quiet. You can get out of any belt that I put you in. You are our little Houdini. No matter how tight I make that lap belt in the target cart you will be standing up as soon as I come back around that end cap. When you are hurt you let it all out. There is no dusting it off or shaking it off...you cry that loud, take a breathe SayJ cry. You have lots of nicknames. Sadie Jane, SayJay, Sage, Sagee, SJ, SaySay, and on and on. You still seem so little to me and I like that you still seem like a baby. Since you may be my last you'll have to bare with your Momma clinging to each moment a little longer. You love to nurse and I don't know how we are going to give it up. Frankly I am worried. But I am sure you'll go with the flow once I finally make the call. I am so thankful that God gave you to our family. You are the perfect daughter, granddaughter, sister, niece and friend for all of us. I love you and Happy Birthday to you sweet girl!
Love in Jesus,
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