All this to say, Micah and I have spent lots of time together this week. With no school, no extra activities and obviously not alot of playdates on the plague we have done alot as the three of us. And while often I discuss his funnyness and discipline issues he really is just cool to hang out with. He makes me laugh and makes me cry happy tears more times than I can count. He has actually adjusted pretty well to having Sadie Jane here and it almost feels like we were never without her...almost. I did ask him the other day if he would like me to have another baby and he gave me a resounding "NO". I think Mick has been brainwashing. But he explained to me we already have a baby in Sadie Jane and we do NOT need another one he said. This is also humorous because before SayJ he wanted a baby all the time, but being the smart boy he is, he now recognizes the sacrifice and doesn't want our attention to be divided anymore than it already is...selfish from the get go aren't we...always looking out for number one. The pictures above are from Micah making the most of being stuck at the house. He came out of my closet in "his cowboy boots" he said. (Nana might recognize these:)) He wore them all around the house...and yes, this was the morning after toe-nightmare-nosleep-fortheweary-night...stinker.
I love my family and even when I feel a little bit icky from being in a house where it feels like germs are multiplying I still love love love what I do and wouldn't trade it to be anywhere else.