Friday, July 31, 2009

the truth...

about boys. Ok, not all boys but I wanted to share the truth about one boy in particular. There are some things that I have learned about boys that I never would have learned without having my very own Micahbird. We are blessed to know him for sure...but raising him is a challenge and high calling that some may never get to experience. What I am saying is that after getting to really learn Micah's personality we could possibly label him a strong willed child, an agressive boy, a passionate soul, a heathen. You take your pick...I will first say I wouldn't change it for the world.(most of the time) Because I know that our Heavenly Father knit him together in my womb and to Him Micah is all of who he should be. With that being said there are some things about him that make him different or special. I have noticed in my parenting days that I am much more sensitive to this type of boy than I was before I had him. Before I had children I was like some of you (I know you don't want to admit it but it is true) I thought that those unruly boys running around the store or hitting people on the playground indeed needed some parents with some gumption. I would look at the mom with the screaming child at the grocery store and think...sheesh lady get some control. Oh not I say a prayer and move away:) My point to this post is yet to be determined. I wanted to just let others into the light of what it is like to have a boy that is what some call "all boy" so that you can then be more sympathetic to those around you or if this all sounds familiar let you know you aren't alone. Now I am not saying we want your pity but we just want a little grace and some slack every now and then. Something in me causes me to do something that all the magazines and books tell you not to: compare. I know none of you do this but I am just like that. So when I look at the kids I taught, my friends kiddo's, kiddo's in my family and strangers near and far I see lots of kids that seem to simply obey without threats or corporal punishment. I wonder how they do it. I wonder why I am failing and what in the world will ever become of our sweet toddler if I can't gain control. But in researching and praying I have discovered that God created us all differently and Micah just happens to be that way. Now don't get me wrong, if we roll over and don't discipline him we are doing him and the free world a disservice but if we do the best we can with what we know then I think and hope and pray God will honor that. When I had conferences teaching school I used to remind parents of boys like him in my classroom that one day there wild banchee's would be passionate about their wife, and family and best of all our Jesus. These mom's would look at me with weary eyes and say "you don't have children, do you?" Little did I know one day I would understand that weariness all to well. I still believe what I said but I also understand it might seem a bit pious when spoken by a single, first year teacher:) I don't know what our precious Sadie Jane is going to be like, but I know that Micah will be part of her example so she is bound to have some of that strong will and passion in her as well. I just finished reading another one of James Dobson's books on The Strong Willed Child and was definitely encouraged and challenged. I am thankful for Micah's personality because I know that when shaped and directed with the love of our Jesus he will be a powerful tool for our Lord. But that doesn't mean that in the mean time I am not desparately pleading with God to help me do just that...because at times it seems an insurmountable task. So join me today and pray for those boys and girls who seem to go against the flow and push the limits, they sure will need it and I know their parents do to...along with some grace and mercy.


Anonymous said...

I knew a very strong willed little girl once that had colored ribbons to match every outfit - she turned out alright. And I didn't know Mick as a small child, but he does have lots of energy and he channeled it just right - so there you go - it's in Micah's genes - good genes, God fearing genes, little person's genes - so just blame the family (and the neighbors). mkm

Dorothy said...

I think it might be dangerous, but we need to get Micah and Taylor together - they would definitely be trouble on four legs - there would be no stopping them. She is a girl, but she is SO active and strong willed - but also loving and creative and smart and funny - many of your stories of Micah remind me of Taylor.