Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hot dog, Hot dog, Hot diggety dog!

Opening presents, this was nuts. I have got to figure out how to make this more organized with the next one.
Cheese, a truck.

Jaxson and Taron

The new tricycle

Budda and Adam

Paxton playing with Sunny's doll. This one's for Uncle Brad:) We missed you!

All the kiddos: Charlee Ray, Jaxson, Sunny, Christian, Micah, Bay, Paxton, Hayden, Jayden and Jake.

Longingly looking at the cake.

Micah enjoying his bicycle (don't tell Micah it isn't one) from Aunt Dot, with my Grandmama too.
Our fam
Diggin' in.
These are all out of order...
Thanks to Taron for taking a play by play of Micah's eating. I wish he would take this kind of interest in eating healthy food.

Me and My birthday boy! Now trying to scrape ice cream off the lid.

Jaxson grabbing all the strings off the pinata.
Getting the loot.

Paxton pulling his string.
Pax was serious about getting some candy for himself.

Micah and Jaxson getting serious about eating their suckers.

Laid back, enjoying the party.

Sunny, Christian, and Micahbird.

Best friends picture. Boy my face is getting rounder.

other best friends.

This picture is funny because Taron and I realized Micah was about to attack Jaxson.

What was left of the girls and their crew.

Today was Micah's 2nd birthday party. We had planned to do alot outside with lots of water games, and trampoline...but a monsoon came in while I was in walmart getting the cake! We had about 30 people including 10 kiddos all inside our house. It seemed to go by so fast and I think it was because people were ready to get some personal space at their own house. Micah seemed to have a great time and loved all the attention that is for sure. I loved the presents more than he did I think. He got two personalized items...which is always my obsession. I will post pictures of those if I can ever get caught up on all this blogging. Micah also got a tricycle, trucks, coloring books, pool and sand toys, a Mickey Mouse towel, 2 personalized bookbags, a wallet, and lots more things that I can't remember right now. For all the work an at home birthday party takes this one was over really fast. I guess when you work hard you want to enjoy it a little more. Although after the dust settled and Micah went down for his nap(and so did Mick) I had time to do my bible study. It made me think about the fact that it isn't bad to have a day about Micah but that isn't what all the work and fuss should be about. I always find myself at the end of the event feeling a little disappointed that it is over and nothing to show. I think it is because it is hard to maintain your focus and the importance of Christ day to day and especially trying to communicate that at a birthday party to a two year old and your friends and family. Anyways, today was a special day nonetheless but it did make me rethink ways that I could make it better next year. I guess that is what God reminded me of today, maybe it makes sense maybe it doesn't...but I am weird like that anyways. Thanks to all our friends and family who came, I was terrible with invitations this year, so if you thought you would have been invited you probably were, I probably just still have your invitation:) Seriously thanks for helping make this a special day for Micahbird. (and me)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

So cute! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Micah!! Looks like fun was had by all! Hope to see you soon!