After Micah has turned two I have thought alot about how much he is changing, learning, growing, and challenging me. He is talking incessantly now. (who knew, my kid? no?) He has started to show interest in potty training. He has started to laugh at funny things...that he shouldn't neccessarily know are funny. He can count, differentiate color, sing ABC's etc. This is all for my comparison with my next bean. Here are a few cute or funny stories from our life in the last week or so:
~Micah has gotten into saying the blessing and has heard Hayden sing it a few times. Yesterday when I asked him at lunch if he wanted to say it he bowed his little head, folded his little hands and sang "Thank you Fadder, thank you Fadder, Amen, Amen" I ask him all the time to say it and we have not even tried to teach him that one. Wild!
~ This is weird, but to keep Micah busy while I go pee (I go alot due to the growing baby girl) at the chicken house there are some tiles on the wall and some are red. Almost everyday I ask him to point to the red squares. He never shows any clue that he knows which are which. Yesterday we walk in I tell him to find the reds and boom...he pointed to every stinkin' one.
~Potty training should be called Mommy training. I have worked way too much this week but Micah has been super flexible. He has started telling us when he has to go tee tee if he is naked. So we made the trek to Target yesterday and bought some "panties" he refuses to call them underwear. Today I put him in his underwear then totally forgot...bad mom move number one. Then I stuck him in front of the tv and let him watch elmo while I came up and worked on the computer....bad move two. Then I heard him yell a couple times but I was I let him be...number three. I finally hear him washing dishes(he pushes a chair up and scrubs the sink for hours) so I figure I should go make sure he isn't playing with knives...he was...bad move oh just stop judging and counting. I notice he looks a little wet and then I remember I just left my son on his first day of semi potty training alone to watch tv in underwear. I would have taken a picture of the chair but Mick wouldn't be happy. Oh well. We will try again when I can be more attentive. Bad Mommy!
~We have been going to Storytime at our local public library. A friend suggested it and a few friends have gone with us and Micah has really enjoyed it. This week was the last week until summer and I am sad that it has ended. I assumed it would be just a lady sitting in a rocker reading but they really put alot into it and Micah has really learned the songs, etc. This week our waitress, who is also our friend from Longhorn's brought her little girl and Micah loves her. He went back in to hug her three times. He usually wont even tell kids his age goodbye so apparently he likes the older women. Too cute!
Ok, gosh I had much more to share but I realized nobody wants to read all this except for MAYBE Nana and even she will get bored:)
Love the Micah stories....I know I don't have little ones yet...but I have done a lot of full time nannying (I know its a little different) but I totally feel you about the is called life...I would have totally done the same thing :) At least you have lots of fun stories to tell.
How could we be bored when Micah is around? always TONS of fun stories to tell! Thanks for sharing!
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