We spent part of our Memorial Day weekend at the lake. We had hoped for sun and sand and boatrides instead we got rain, rain, and more rain. While we did have a good time with my parents and Hayden we cut it short and came home on Sunday to spend some time in a little more space. Thanks to Mom and Dad though Mick and I did get a night out. Thanks so much! We hung out with friends on Memorial Day and today I had my ultrasound dr appt. Everything looked great, thank you Jesus! Although baby girl Harper was cross-legged through the entire assessment. She only spread'em at the very last minute and the tech confirmed it is a girly girl. So pink it is! Pheww...I think I might believe it now. Hard to believe I am over halfway through with this pregnancy. No time to read my week by week book or dote on my naps like the first. They did say baby girl is big! She already weighs a pound. To me that says, healthy, to the doctor they say stop eating so much:) Seriously it does look like she will take after her big brother in the large category. We'll see how that goes.
As for decisions, I have never been big on making lots of them. If I can defer to someone else that will be fine and when I am pregnant it takes me forever just to decide what bra to put on, nevermind the clothes. Soooo, here is the list of the things that are haunting me at night:
~A name!!! Good grief, how can we not name this girl. Our frontrunner right now is Lorelai. Having trouble with the middle name to go with it and aren't sure about it's meaning: "alluring temptress" (not exactly what we are wanting for our sweet girl)
~Should we put Micah in a big boy bed? We could leave in him in his crib and not change his room at all or we could switcheroo. Can't decide what is best.
~Color for baby girls room. I wanted hot pink and black, I thought. But the bedding we got on clearance months ago doesn't go.
~I just read a whole bunch on homeschooling...and am contemplating how we go about deciding what is best for OUR children. Ahhh the pressure.
~Potty training, to enter bootcamp or to wait til after the babies born?
I'll stop there, but you can see my preggo brain is reeling. Mick and I are hoping to get some time this summer to really assess the important things about our families direction and what God has for us (not that He is necessarily concerned with the color of a bedskirt.) But if any of you have any thoughts on any of these issues please share the wealth because I need some motivation to start making some decisions.
Glad to hear that she is nice and healthy--I agree with you!!
I hate decisions too! Ugh, especially when you are preggo - no fun!!
We are planning on homeschooling our little ones -- so we can talk. It scares me, but we feel it is best at this point for our family.
I love the idea of a pink and black nursery. I have seen several cute ones online that I lusted after!!! hehe
About the big boy bed-- I say if Micah is sleeping good in his bed- don't mess with it! We moved Charlie out of his crib, but it was only because he was a year older. If he had been younger - we probably would have just bought a new one!
About potty training - I have no idea!!
I think you had other thoughts, but I can't remember them -- hehe!
Also, I love Lorelai and I'll be thinking about a middle name that flows and means something gentle :)
Night Girl! Glad it is officially a girl - We go tomorrow and I hope we get the same news!!!
Glad baby girl is healthy. Oh the name game - I think it is harder the second time around - first name is pretty, though. I can't counsel much on big boy beds and potty training as we have not entered that realm yet. I can always give you my perspective on homeschooling as a student and my mother would be happy to offer any counsel (you know she has 20 plus years experience). :)Happy Planning!
Opinions - You know that I am good at that - Big Bed (toddler) - I have one for you - we are getting ready to move Charlee into a twin bed! - Micah is ready he is two - just put a gate at the door and he will call you if he needs you. Bay was in the toddler bed at 1 and Charlee waited until 2.
Most of my friends waited until 2.5 to start potty training and it worked well. I think it is easier training the second child. I'm not so sure kids are ready until then...
Public school! I think it helps with their social skills, life skills, and just general interaction with other people - teachers, parents, etc. We have been blessed with really good teachers and Bay loves school! She also loves to be with her friends every day! She also has great specials in school - PE, music, art, computer class, etc. She is being exposed to so much!
What color is the bedding that you already have?
oooohhh yes, sounds like Preggo Brain is running over-time. I can totally relate. Here's my take:
1. Big boy bed .... If it were me, I would try moving to a "big boy" bed so you don't have to buy a second crib, they are so stinkin expensive! If you don't think Micah is ready for a truly "big" twin or full size bed or whatever ... put him in a toddler bed. They're essentially the same size as his crib and will sit low to the floor. I agree w/ Wendy about putting a gate on the door.
My other thought on this is to make the swicheroo sooner rather than later. Two reasons: (1)it may take him a few weeks to adjust to the change and you certainly don't need more sleep deprivation added when the baby arrives; and (2) you don't want Micah feeling like the baby "stole" his bed. Don't want him to hate her before she even gets here! So to him the transition should feel like two separate events .... "I'm a big boy and need a big boy bed" and then later "My sister is a baby and so she can borrow my baby bed since I don't use it anymore"
Just my two cents.
On the other stuff .... potty training: Honestly I wouldn't push it until he's 3.
Homeschooling: girl why are you worrying your brain about this now, that is so far down the road! You don't have to make a decision about that anytime soon. Give your brain a break!
On the name ............ oh we are awful at agreeing on names so I'm not much help in that department. For what it's worth, I think Lorelai sounds really cute!
Nursery decor: I would love to offer suggestions but I need to see a pic of the bedding you bought!
Try not to stress the small stuff, and remember that you really do have plenty of time to work it all out before baby girl gets here. :)
Just a thought about homeschool.I know you hav to do what you think is best for your family, but
What would it say about your husband being a public school teacher to homeschool?
To me it says, I can work here but it is not good enough for my kids.
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