I attended my first Bachelorette Party since I have gotten old and had children. Whichever happened first. Let me be the first to say, I am not as young as I used to be. Staying out past midnight is like torture. Devon's weekend pretty much felt like it should have been the movie "The Bachelorette Party". I hadn't attended many and this one was pretty much everything I imagined it, it was. Aside from running through Taco Bell after drinking all night, who knew that is what people want to eat after that?? Not me. No, seriously it wasn't that bad. Actually it was pretty fun. Aside from some nasty puking (not from me, Coca-cola classic is my personal drink of choice) we had a great time. I actually probably had more fun than when I was younger and "more insecure", once you've birthed babies and whipped your boob out in public (for sustenance not for beads) you kind of find yourself and can just have fun and not care about what other people think about you ...a. not drinking b. dancing like a banchee c. laughing at drunk people. That was my personal take. Devon, the bride, had a blast and I love her dearly. We might be alot different but we are also alot similar. She was sweet to invite me and notsosure she thought I'd come. But I showed her. Anyways, I will save my sappy post for her on the wedding pictures to come!!

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