My SadieJane had her first ringpop last week and she devoured it! She was so sticky I just about had to hose her off. I am glad I gave her the same color as her shirt because that worked out nicely. SadieJane is seriously so much fun. She is still holding out on talking but she is getting better. She has started repeating words that we say and attempting to talk. Her only two word phrase is "get it". Nice. Otherwise, she says, hello, dada, momma, haydee, micah, bubba, snack(her personal favorite, which means fruit snack), I think I've mentioned names before so the other thing she says are ball, swing, push, water, baby, her body parts ....unfortunately while some of these words mentioned have two syllables SayJ will only speak the first:) We go in a week and a half for her 18 month appt. So we'll see how she stacks up! I can not believe she will soon be a year and a half. Ugh. Stop time, stop. SadieJane knows alot about her hair because just about everyone that meets her mentions it. She immediately "fixes" it and smiles. It is so different having a girl. Her hair can be pretty straight, like in the pictures above, but lately I've started fixing it by wetting it in the am and making it pretty curly. People love it, and I do too. She is just so stinkin' cute. I'm her Momma I'm supposed to think that...

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