Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Shopping Day

We spent the majority of the day shopping, buying and returning. It was St. Patty's Day so we had some fun with that, then we headed to shop at Gap for their Friends and Family discount:) We went to our mall at lunch with the Wallace crew, then had already planned to go with Aunt Amy to the avenue because they have a Gap Maternity...because she is knocked up! I haven't been able to post about it, so there is my official announcement. Before she started her own blog all her friends got their Amyscoop here, but no more, now she blogs on her own so the facts are a little more correct. We had been trying to hang out with Pax for weeks...but he got pinkeye, then we got croup and now we are all better. (except we went to the Dr. this am and Micah has a sinus infection as a result of the lingering croupjunk) Again with the copay. Grrr. We had a great time with all of us in ONE car. It was quite the event to get us all in and out. Aunt Amy did alot of the work, even with her pregnant self. The boys got their jams on when we got home and low and behold they had the same ones. That's how we ended up with a big photo shoot at 9:15. We had a great time and after one more return trip I wont have spent too much.


Amy said...

So fun!!! I'm going to have to steal some of those! Thanks so much for driving. Pax and I both had fun!! He zonked out on the way home. Love you!!

The Kimmels said...

Love the photos as usual. Especially the group one at the top. Love those smiling boys!! :)