But so this post isn't totally lost on documentation of yet another sick round I wanted to also document our lovely, yeah right, Monday from this week. It was comical the whole day. It just kept trying to stick it to me. But I just kept laughing to keep from crying...
-It started with a dermatologist visit for this weird bump on SayJ's arm. It had been there for weeks and after antibiotics, etc. I decided and the ped. decided she needed to be seen by a specialist. We had to be there at 9:30. Reasonable unless you have a croupy night and you have a boy that (in retrospect) was getting sick. Operation out the door, took forever and Micah melted down when it was time to go. I had to carry him kicking and screaming out the door. (this will be important later) We get in the car and are on our way. I am so proud that not only are we on time but everyone seems almost happy upon arrival.
-I get SayJ out and get ready to go in when we realize Micah's not getting out and that he has NO shoes. In our lovely loaded down vehicle I saw it important to clean out and took all footwear inside our house. Fabulous. So I load the almost four year old up into an umbrella stroller (it was that or the mammoth double stroller, and I am pretty sure I would have taken out some old people with it).
-In the meantime Micah realizes he has a scab. It is apparently as painful as childbirth and he can NOT move his leg. So he rides in the stroller with one leg completely sticking out. (sidenote: he kept said leg from bending from appt time to gym. approx 9:30am-7pm, I am serious, in car, out of car, in buggy out of buggy, naptime, etc. the boy is sheer willpower in a bucket) You can clearly see his Toy story socks on his shoeless feet. I am then carrying my one year old. It looks perfectly common sensical to travel this way, right?
-We get in the office to which Micah starts screaming because of the scab and because a framed man on the wall is staring at him.
-The lobby is full of people the same age as Grandmama and Sadie Jane gets a few awws, but Micah gets more than a few, what's his deal looks. This one man comes out and SayJ is right by the door. She almost trips him and he goes to find his wife and "whispers" "There are little people here." I look over so the wife "whispers" back..."Yes, dear, but they are nice little people" The old man wasn't buying it. Apparently this derm. sees way more "old" than "little" people.
-We finally get back and they take about two minutes with us after waiting 45 to tell me Sadie Jane has scar tissue from a bug bite. Mick was going to be so happy I spent that copay, right?
-We head to Target but I get sidetracked by a store closing of Borders...we head in but Micah has no shoes and is walking sooo slow. Like snail speed. Because he can't let the scab touch his pants. Oh. my. goodness. I yank up the pantleg, yes, I know I should have sooner. And there is a scab hanging on that is the size of a pen tip. We get out of there, and I am just waiting for the candid cameras to pop up. (Is Candid Camera even a show anymore, or am I now old enough to mention stuff the next generation knows nothing about?)
-You can feel free to jump ship from reading this post, it is more for my own comical relief than anything else.
-We head to target for the therapy that only target can give. It does the trick. I pick up things with red stickers, I put some back. Then I decide we can finally buy the Justin Beiber cd Micah and I have been wanting for weeks. It'll help us all feel better to hear a little "Baby" on the ride home.
-Head home glad to be going and get the cd out of the target bag and open it, while driving. Then I realize it is the WRONG cd. Ugh. I had already taken the stinkin' sticker off the side before I realized it. It was his movie soundtrack and there was no baby to be found. Grr.
-Micah seems clingy but like "Mom of the Year" I send him to gymnastics anyways because I just think he's milking for attention since SJ's been gettin' the royal treatment due to her croup.
-The one shining moment of the day, getting both kids to bed on my own! Wahoo, that is miraculous in itself and hilarious to me that I can even accomplish it.
-I guess you can sense the sleep deprivation in this choppy post. I may edit after getting some more sleep.
Seriously, this is my life and while it is challenging it makes me laugh to think I am in charge of these little people in sickness and health. They are so precious to me and in all their fever, failures and shoelessness I love them just the same. I wouldn't trade a minute of it. Bring it, Candid Camera, I got your laughs right here.
You have GOT to start drinking more wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Makes the day go better and you can sleep like a log. You know who this is from - m
Oh boy Steph. Thanks for the laughs. Hope the kiddos are feeling much better and your week has ended better than it started. I second the vote for wine. love ya, wen
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