Friday, March 4, 2011

The Most Important things in life ARE things.

Thing 1 and 2, that is...

Yesterday Micah's class celebrated Dr Seuss' birthday. I feel about Dr. Seuss the way I feel about Santa Claus, everyone makes a big deal and I see it is fun, but I don't get the craziness. But I do take opportunities to get crafty. Except when I told Taron my idea for our boys she had a much better one and Kevin designed the shirts on the computer with even their names in a little circle on the back. Turns out he is the crafty one:) We got to have lunch with the boys and Micah even did some work with me like old times, while Nana watched Sadie Jane.
Micah is still quite the handful and just yesterday he pitched an ongoing fit that rivaled some of his best, this time for no reason. BUT he also has the most tender heart and says some of the sweetest things. We went to visit my Grandmama on Wed, (with no camera, grr.) and as soon as we pulled out he said "I miss Grandmama and Sissy already" He has also at times even hugged Sadie Jane and I cried the other day when she laid her head in his lap and he rubbed her back. Ahhh, glimpses of their friendship to come, I pray. He also still daily cracks me up. I wish I could remember every funny thing he does but there are just too many. He has to have three of everything because he is three years old. He loves to play baseball and just got his own bat. He can kill the ball. He also LOVES Mick's baseball team. And when I watch him watching Mick coach and the boys play, I am glad that Mick didn't give it up (don't tell Mick). After Grandmama's we stopped by a game and he literally stood at the fence for ten minutes cheering on Micks players. He could read most of the numbers so he'd shout "Come on, 5!" when we were hitting or "Strike him out!" when we were pitching. Ok, enough already, I just hadn't updated on either kiddo so I thought I would do that. You can look for another on SayJ soon, or not:)

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