...from a mile away.
~CK's are always the dirtiest and smelliest at the ballfield. Even more so than the players.
~CK's are the ones that run in and out of the dugout and sometimes accidentally onto the field.
~CK's are the ones that think all equipment and fields belong to them personally.
~CK's think the concession stand and its workers are their own personal treat shop and are their personal caterer.
~CK's know all the players by name and/or number.
~CK's don't have a "bedtime".
~CK's have more clothing devoted to their Daddy's team than any other.
~CK's don't know that their are any other Coach's, players or coach's kids other than them, their Daddy, and their Daddy's players.
~CK's can not just play a pick up game with other children at the ballpark without also trying to be "the coach".
~CK's are trained to hit the deck when they hear the foul ball shouts.
~CK's think that riding the gator is a rite not a privilege.
This post is mainly for Mick...our Coach Daddy. He has had a busy and hard few weeks as a coach but we are just as proud as we always are...I took these pictures in the back yard during warmer weather and better health. I have plans to use them for something else but I felt like Mick would like to see them. You can see how raggamuffined my kiddos get by gametime! Their cute outfits don't usually even make it to the game or they are so bundled up no one sees them.
And just for Mick here's a few ways you know that they are Coach Harper's Kids!-
~Even when playing with other random kids they must still hit from the LEFT side.
~They always get to go on the field for the end prayer. (my personal favorite)
~They always need a bucket to sit on.
~They know which players parents bring candy, and they find them quickly.
~They can sense which players have good character.
~They can sense which players do not have good character.
~They think THEIR Daddy is the best coach in the world. (Possibly because their Mommy told them so:))
~They miss their Daddy lots but love to see him come home or off the field!

1 comment:
You have no idea how much I needed this post. I have the best wife and kids to let me do this job. I can only do this with a supportive wife that know this job is OUR ministry and she is the rock behind the whole operation. Thanks so much and I LOVE YOU Steph!!!
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