too bad...I can NOT go to sleep when she is close!
Even a little time for Arts and crafts...getting ready to be thankful! Notice Lamby joined in the fun!
So there is alot going on in our surprise with a 6 week old and a two and a half year old. I have been sporatic with my blogging and found it confusing to do lately because I have become addicted to facebook as well. It is quick and easy to update, to check and to stalk other people. It is also a way to talk to people you might not get to talk to in your everyday life. It is especially fun for momma's I think because it is a way to stay connected when you are having to disconnect to be with your little ones, etc. Facebook was one of those things that I thought was for the "younger generation" and that I simply missed the boat. I still don't know how to work alot of it, but i do enjoy interacting with others on it. But it has put a cramp in my blogging so I am hoping to figure out a good balance and also not waste away time on either:) Not that there is a whole lot to waste.
With that being said Facebook has been such a blessing for me with little Sadie Jane, I have gotten much needed encouragement and advice from wise momma's who have already been down similar roads with their babies. I have feared typing this because I don't want to be wrong but I think the Prevacid along with a million little momma ideas has helped Sadie Jane beat the reflux battle. Thank you Jesus. For those that might be nearing a similar situation or who need some advice I am documenting what has helped us here...(as well as were there to be another little Harper (I know, I know, probably not, but just in case I want to remember what helped)
~ Zantac does NOT work for made things way worse.
~Prevacid once a day has helped tremendously.
~Having SaJa sleep sitting up.
~Only burping her over our shoulder or completely standing more sitting in our laps- that smushed her little belly and made her mad.
~Keeping her upright at least 30 minutes after eating.
~Pumping off an ounce before feeding her because I am Stephy the Milk Cow and I produce enough milk to feed a small country...from 3 feet away mind you.
~Gas drops helped to get the burps out sometimes but they weren't always helpful.
~The "Mickhold" - you'll have to ask him, but he has a way of holding her that makes SJ happy.
~A pacifier helped us, I don't know if it really helped her...but SJ cried less after we got her to use it. She still isn't a huge fan.
I will add as I see what happens.
I also went today for my 6 week check up and all looks good. I got the go ahead to start trying to get in shape and the key is starting slow. We'll see if I can get started at all, but I sure do hope so. I also got permission to pick Micahbird up. Not alot, but she said I could. So I came home and picked up my baby first thing. Man has he gained weight? Or I am way weak now!! I used to could pick him up easy, now I need a forklift. But seriously you don't know how you'll miss something like that til you can't...and I almost cried getting to hold him again. Micah has been counting down the days and we were both so excited! It is the little things right? Stay tuned for a picture of me holding my first baby! I think this has gotten too long and somebody is long for now...
Yay--on passing your 6 week check up!!!
glad things are going better with your wee one. she is so cute!!
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