Boy oh boy...two kids is alot harder than one. Everybody says so but it is. Especially when your oldest is having some adjustment issues. Micah still loves Sadie Jane...but he also loves to pitch a good fit. Like in the middle of playing or being completely happy. I have joked but counseling hasn't been ruled out. I guess that is his problem. He can't communicate how he feels about all this change so he gets some attention by going completely (I mean, completely) nuts! Here he is holding the bottle that only a woman who had birthed a baby would recognize:)... don't judge me, we payed for it, might as well get some use out of it, right? I have to be really resourceful at how to keep him occupied when I am having to deal with a newborn most of the day at the same time. Micah has spent as almost as much time in timeout as Sadie Jane has spent nursing...she's already 11 and a half pounds so you know that is alot! Today though at the end of time out I went to remind him why he was there and I talked to him about obeying...I asked him what the Bible says about obeying because we go over that alot...and he said "Children, obey your parents...that is your mommy and your daddy." He memorized his first scripture verse! I was proud and frustrated all at once:) Then at the end of the next session...he started singing Jesus Loves Me, apparently he realized the spiritual card got him out faster. Oh boy, what a strong willed and smart boy we have.
I thought I would make a list about all the good and the bad again for memories sake:
The good things about having two kiddos:
~ Love is multiplied not divided.
~ The way Micah sings and talks to Sadie Jane.
~ Seeing Mick continue to be a superdad.
~ You let so much stuff that bothered you with one go right out the window.
~ There is so much I thought I could never handle/do/believe but when there is no choice I've made do.
~ You are no longer afraid to ask for help.
~ Having a boy and a girl is definitely a gift.
~ Entertainment for both.
The bad (or difficult) things about having two kiddos:
~ Everybody goes to the bathroom at the same time.
~ But they never nap at the same time.
~ Time is divided not multiplied.
~ Tantrums!!!
~ When you are watching one child the spouse no longer gets a break...they get the other child!
~ Nursing takes lots of time and seems a lot longer when you have a toddler destroying your home.
There are so many more I have thought of but no time to write them down.
Truthfully it is hard but I do love how complete our family feels. Sadie Jane seems like she was made just for us and even Micah seems to recognize the gift. Mick and I haven't spoken very much to each other directly but I know that we will soon. We are extremely blessed and I am well aware, I just thought I would share these things mainly for humor so don't go thinking I don't know how truly good we have it.

You continue to amaze me. ;)
...I'm not sure if that is enough to encourage you, but you do. You are doing a fantastic job and if you keep on being consistent with Micah, he will come around. (at least that's what people (with kids) say). love ya!
Hey Friend! One thing that helped me at the beginning with the all day nursing marathons was to have a nursing basket! When I would sit down to nurse, I would pull out something special for Charlie to play with or maybe a special dvd to watch. The deal was - when I was done nursing the box/treasure went away! Maybe it will help! I sure was desperate. Those first few weeks were awful tough. I would have tried ANYTHING!
I promise that it gets easier! And I also promise that there will come a day when Micah realizes that SJ is there for good and finally gives in and stops competing for attention through tantrums or meltdowns. It takes a few months though. Mine are so dependent on each other already for entertainment and fun, starting to form a friendship. It will come. Hang in there! You're doing great!
Sweet sister! I'm right there with you! It does get easier, especially when they start going longer between meals...you don't feel like you are constantly saying, "I can't do that right now." And we just started using our plastic bottle as a dish soap dispenser...I'm hoping none of my mom friends notice when they come over! Like you say, might as well use it for something! You're doing AWESOME...keep pressin' on!
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