So my favorite Grandmama fell yesterday and broke her leg. She broke her femur bone and it is a compound fracture. She underwent surgery last night and has a big cast on it. She is the neatest and greatest lady ever and yesterday was no fun for her but showed just how incredible she is...she actually fell in her apartment by herself and had to drag herself by her own strength to the phone. So thankful she is such a fiesty lady. The break actually broke the skin so she is having some complications due to that. It definitely stinks that this happened over thanksgiving but I know God has a plan. Mick is actually home this week and we of course get Hayden because my mom will be at the hospital for a while now, and while three kids is not that much more than two I am thankful that he is off this week to help. My grandmama actually helps cook thanksgiving so I told her this was a heck of a way to get out of it. She is a good sport and always laughs when we tease her. I hope to get to check on her soon, but with all the flu stuff kiddos aren't allowed in the hospital and Sadie Jane still needs a part of me every three hours. All this to ask for your continued prayers for the next step. Grandmama is 86 or 87, neither of us can remember which...and she obviously will need some help for a while. She'll be in the hospital for a good while, then she'll be able to come home with my mom or I. She is not one of those ladies who wants to be told what to do and when to do it so it will be a challenge...but I am sad that she is hurting but glad that she'll be closer to us for a while. She kept begging to see Sadie Jane lately so I teased her this was quite the attention getter!

I'll be glad to pray for your Grandmama! My dad is also in the hospital. He fell Saturday and fractured his pelvic bone. Hopefully he and your Grandmama will soon be up and about! Prayers are coming your way!!!
Oh Stephanie, I will be in prayer for you and your Grandmama. Jonathan's Pawpaw fell and has a fractured pelvic bone. I will pray that she will have comfort as she heals and that the doctors tend well to her! Have a very happy thanksgiving! Love Yall!
Awww-tell Grandmama that we're praying for her, and that I'm sorry to hear this!
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