Wednesday, January 9, 2008

it's the little things

Being a mom is undoubtedly the hardest thing I have ever done. But with that challenge comes the greatest blessings. Right now Micah isn't learning new words or playing catch but there are so many little things that he does, that could only amaze his ma ma. Yesterday he started saying ma ma like he was actually talking to me. Now he probably wasn't but it felt good to hear it while he looks at me since it usually is all dada all day long. We also went outside since it was 70 degrees in January and rode around in his car. I saw an airplane and pointed to the sky to show Micah not thinking he would even notice but sure enough he looked up and watched it til it disappeared...I cried. To me that was a huge accomplishment. The last little thing I love is that he is starting to wave. Not the normal wave but he will take his whole arm and move it up and down to wave at me in the mirror. Obviously our child is no prodigy but the little things that he does help the seven poopy diapers in one day not seem so disgusting:) Thought I would jot down these things because in a few weeks I know that they will be forgotten and replaced with more little things that bring tears to my eyes. These are probably things no one really cares to read about but I wanted to chronicle them nonetheless. So if you are still reading thanks for placating me through this silly post!


Anonymous said...

Hey! You made me cry and I don't cry often! You are a good Mommy! - oh and a good sister-in-law too! WENDY

Alison said...
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Alison said...

Enjoyed today - shopping with the kids. Charlotte's first date... it came so soon.

We love Micah's wave. He will have to teach Charlotte in a few months. Thanks for sharing your sweet moments. :)