When I was turning 21 I picked where to eat by who had the best steak, my parents were paying so I had no clue how much it cost. Turning 31 I will most likely pick the place you can go to get your birthday meal for free. Budget, budget, budget. (I don't think I even knew what that word meant at 21)
When I turned 21 I had no set apart "girl's night out", etc. Every night was just that. At 31, I plan for weeks to go out with the few that can get away from their children and if it actually happens I am in shock.
When I turned 21 I thought I looked great. I ate terribly and if I ran a mile I thought I was a real athelete. At 31, I worry about what nursing did to certain body parts and how what I eat could affect my children, and I run alot.
When I turned 21 I woke up around 10 and lazily dressed myself in a cute outfit. At 31, I lay on my pillow with the cutest blue eyes staring me down saying "Mommy, get up" at 7:30 and another sweet girl calling my name from her crib; neither of which have any clue that I have a birthday nor do they care:) And my outfit, tanktop and undies til I can get them dressed, hopefully I'll remember to put on pants before we leave the house.
When I turned 21 I'm pretty sure I spent hours watching daytime tv. At 31 I spend hours alright, watching disney channel and the mouse.
When I was 21 I wondered and worried if I'd die an old maid with lots of cats. At 31, I have a husband who I love and two babies that are more than I could have ever asked or imagined.
When I turned 21 I made sure everyone new it and waited for the phone calls. At 31, I am good with my husband telling me happy day and a few texts from my best friends. (Although facebook does make it fun:))
When I turned 21 I didn't worry about picking up my clothes or any housework whatsoever. At 31, I contemplate where I should vacuum first and which load of laundry to start first.
When I turned 21 I spent leisurely time with Jesus never knowing what a luxury it was. At 31, I pray I get to squeeze in a little time with my Savior.
I am sure I'll have more to add to this post as the day goes on. As I think "Happy Birthday to me" as I do things that just make me laugh. Like laughing that Micah just killed me a "crotchroach":) As I thought these things out I really thought this would be a "Man, 31 stinks, post" but turns out even compared to the glorious 21 it isn't so bad. God apparently has me right where He wants me and I am so grateful for this birthday.
Awww! Happy birthday! I love all the comparisons!! Love you!
Haha! Too funny to think about the difference 10 years makes! Happy birthday -- hope it's a special one!
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