Monday, June 27, 2011

Can of Worms.

I know that I am opening up a can of worms but I really am curious as to what others think about this. It didn't take us long on our girls trip to get started on our children (poor Katie) and where they would go to school, etc. Well we are all pretty like minded girls...but on this issue we were all over the place. I pretty much have strong opinions on everything, but this one has me confused. I know where my heart lies...but my friend Brittany brought up a school of thought that I had not heard before and hit me hard. So here are the two views I most relate/lean towards. And they are pretty much completely opposing one another! All views expressed are gross generalities for the sake of argument...please read knowing that.

Option 1: Send your child to a Christian School or homeschool-God has given us responsibility as parents to raise our children and to protect them and to teach them about Him. Therefore putting them in either a Christian school or homeschooling would be the most practical option to do these things I've mentioned. With all the things that I hear that go on in 1st grade there are just so many things that at that age my children do NOT need to know. They are also so formative in their early years and can so easily be molded. Their biblical worldview is being shaped and why wouldn't you want it to be, home and school all teaching the SAME thing. This (would appear to) sets them up for the best possible future of following Jesus and knowing Him more. I taught at a Christian school for three years and I loved the dynamics of it. I also loved the childrens childlike faith and the way that they expressed it in the classroom. Something a public school would not foster or even sometime allow. The knowledge that they receive about our Jesus is setting them up to one day go out and share Him with others.

BUT, on the flip side, these children can often be too sheltered, or not prepared academically. They also are demographically set up with a certain group of people. Diversity isn't on alot of Christian school radars.

AND, my favorite rebuttal to this choice, "I've met kids that went to Christian school, they are the worst ones!" In other words Christian school can't change their heart. Neither school can.

Option 2 - Send your child to public school- We are Christians, our calling is to be light in the world, state, our neighborhood and our school. There is a huge impact that your family can make in a public school and if your children are taken out of said school they will lose a ministry opportunity and so will you as a parent. You can teach your child a biblical worldview at home and train them there to go out into their school to be a light and influential child. The kids will actually go to school with those that live around them and increase their opportunity or give them opportunity that they wouldn't have when surrounded by likeminded kiddos in a Christian school. They will have a grasp on temptations and not be overwhelmed by them when they are eventually shoved into the world at a later date if they are in a Christian school. As a parent we have the opportunity to be as involved as the school will allow, sharing Jesus with whoever will listen.

BUT, we all know my issue with drugs and addiction and the sheer amount of those are just way greater in the public school system. Not to mention profanity and sexual information.

AND, the biggest rebuttal to public school education from the Christian/homeschool crowd that I've heard is"Why shouldn't we take the opportunity to shelter our children from these things while we have the chance?". I get that, but can we truly shelter them anywhere.

Lastly, I know families who have made HUGE impacts for Jesus in their public schools and grown as stronger Christians because of it. I also know Christians who have homeschooled, productive, well rounded, adults who are amazing and influential in their colleges. I also know students who are in Christian schools and they are buck wild(and not for the Lord). I also know some public school kids that faced so much peer pressure that they made poor choice after poor choice and now have sunk so low.

Bottom line we can not control our children's hearts. Only the Lord can...we can lead them and teach them. We are called to "raise a child in the way he/she should go..." we are called to mold and shape our children. Biblically speaking the responsibilty lies solely on parents to educate and train their child. So wherever we choose to send them, we need to know what and who is being taught. BUT, as we pray about it obviously no choice is an automatic "most spiritual" choice. I can see even more now how it is based on so many different factors and on each child. There will be no perfect option...only what is perfect for our family. One more year to bathe my bird in prayer and do whatever God calls us to do... which way are you leaning?

*Ammendment: I did leave out a very influential factor. The teacher. That part will really be the kicker and big deciding factor. I know some great ones at each of the schools...well except the homeschool that we are districted for:)


Anonymous said...

I work for Juvenile Court in Douglas County and I see issues from all of the areas you talked about. I would suggest you pray and let God lead you and your family. You just have to be open to see the signs and not focus on other things. He always guides us in the right direction, we just have to follow the directions (signs)!!!! Ha!!!
Tiffinnei Weatherford

EMU said...

You know I have a million thoughts on this question, too(! Wish we could chat about it over some coffee! :)

Amy said...

Great points! Keep in mind that you get to choose the best public school for your kids with mick's job-if you choose that route. You don't have to go with your districted school! And, some of those schools let you even pick the teacher! That is a huge factor in my thinking about pax's schooling! I could NEVER even BEGIN to teach pax all that his K teacher will about life, school, relationships, all while showing God's love to even the toughest children. Such an amazing life lesson that her children learn every year! I'm hoping Pax will learn patience from her, since that's a huge weakness of mine! Tough decisions! Love you!

beth ewing said...

at least your kid isn't ready for kindergarten next year. i can relate to all of these. i know homeschooled kids that knew not one non-Christian and that bothered me. but i've seen and heard some of the things that kids learn in public school and that worries me. we're sending Miller to a public kinderarten next year in VA but it looks like perhaps i'll homeschool him for first and second grade. i'm hoping that gives us a good look at what works best for our family. i don't see private school for 3 kids on an Army salary really being an option but if we had to we could make it work. i'm a firm believer though that what is best for each family and even each child is not what is best for everyone. doesn't make the decision easier though...

The Kimmels said...

These are all great thoughts! Although Will is not even out of the womb yet, school choices is something I already think about! I agree with its up to us as parents to mold & guide our children to the best of our ability & PRAY they make the best choices with the guidance we've provided. I don't think the 'type' of school is going to keep our children from having to make these choices/decisions. I went to private school for one year but to public school the rest. This was many years ago, but I think the education in the private school was far superior. However, I have to remind myself how long ago this was and how far Paulding/Douglas schools have come since then. Brad also received a public education but it was in NY and his high school was the 7th ranked high school in the nation. Although we went to very different schools, we were both faced with the same challenges and peer pressures. Luckily we came from solid homes and our parents raised us to make the right choices (to the best of their ability) ...and when we did make bad choices - we learned from them!! That's a very important part of growing up. I think you have every right to weigh all of these options and I can understand how it can be heavy on your heart but just continue to pray about it and remember that no matter what kind of education/influences Micah & SJ receive - they will always have you & Mick as parents! - that part is huge. (sorry for the novel) ha.