So for a while now I have debated the pros and cons of telling my secret. Before even saying it or reading these posts some of you know what my secret is...either I've told you or you have assumed. I have a big problem with secrets, if I buy a present in advance for Mick I want to give it to him right then. My mom has always been the one to say, Steph, you told, didn't you. So a secret this big was just too much for us to hold in. We are pregnant with a new little bean. I am almost 8 weeks so he/she is about the size of a bean. I have wondered if I should put this information out there so early...what if something happens? will I be judged for telling now? will I dissappoint friends and strangers if this pregnancy were to fail, on and on and on. But the truth is...I am me and I am honest to a fault. I can hardly blog lately because I feel like a whole part of who I am (ok, just a bean) is being left out. So the truth is out and I will feel much better not having to hide apart of me. That is the selfish part but then the other part is something that I have been struggling with lately. With my last pregnancy I wasn't aware of the possibility of miscarraige, etc. but I have unfortunately witnessed countless friends go through them since I had Micah. This makes me so fearful of the same thing happening to me, worrying that my fortitude isn't as strong as others if the cards were dealt my way. BUT that isn't in line with the Jesus I know and whatever He brings me to, He'll bring me through so I battle back with that thought. I also am more aware of the life that is inside me...that our Heavenly Father knit it together in my womb and has placed it there for a purpose. For those who feel it isn't a life or it isn't real and choose to take it infuriates me because I so feel otherwise. We have had a few problems in this short time and I am constantly at the doctor. We had an ultrasound last week and got to see the beautiful sign of a healthy heartbeat. So while I don't know what this little one will be like I ask you to join with me to pray that whatever the path God carries us through. Thanks for indulging in my long post...this might be the last time I get to share this kind of news so I wanted to say all I could. Even though I have shared tons of fears we are still esctatic and so thankful that God has chosen to bless our family in this way. This is the verse from my quiet time today and it confirmed that this news was too good not to give God the glory for! It sums up how I feel:
2 Samuel 7:18
"...Who am I, O Sovereign Lord, and what is my family, that you have brought me this far?"
The post below is the one I wrote right after we found is a lot of girly information so skip it if you like...
Disclaimer: I would have loved to tell so many more people in person but only just now decided to "go public" so I apologize for that:)!
Yay! Congrats! The secret is out! I knew/was hoping it would be any day now! I am so happy for you guys and I am glad you told your secret. It is so amazing how many people i have met (or just realized) that they have PCOS. I never realized it was so common. I know 4 people with it. 2 of them have not started trying to have kids because they know how hard it might be. If you don't mind, I will share you story with them. You don't know them, but this is a sign that God works in wonderous ways.
CONGRATULATIONS!! So very happy for you guys. Bet Rita and Charles are super excited.
How awesome his HE. Our bible study in life group was centered around those verses 2 Sam 7:18! Our study also focused on how God desires all the glory...thank you for being so open. I know many others will be blessed. Even as I begin to think about pregnancy and starting a family satan can send fears my way and this was encouraging...I will remember the Jesus that I know as I wait patiently on His timing. Congratulations a million times.
We are so excited for you and are praying for your little one - and you and the whole family (seeing as everyone gets to experience all the highs and lows of pregnancy).
With both of mine I have never been able to wait to tell longer than eight weeks. So... no judgement here. :)
As for the worries, with both of mine I worried sick the first twelve weeks about losing the pregnancy. You are not alone in this.
Finally, I too, have had my own worries and woes as of late and this morning the Lord gave me "Be still and know that I am God." Believe me, I have stated to myself multiple times just today, "Alison, be still."
Congrats! We can't wait to find out what this one is. :)
Happy Engagement!! Hahaha-remember???? Anyway, we are sooo very happy for you, and will continue praying for you and your family of four:-)
Love you!
Yay for four!!! I am so excited for you, Mick and Micah! Congratulations!! And thank you for sharing! Much love as always :)
Very exciting!! Praying for a healthy baby!
Great News! Congrats and we will of course be praying!
Congratulations!! How exciting! I'm just catching up after being out of town. Oh and my new last name is Ray - how easy is that compared to Cruickshank!? Congrats again and I can't wait to read all about your progress!!
Oh congratulations to you and Mick! I am so very excited for you and will definitely keep your family in my prayers. :)
congrats stephanie! so excited! we didn't wait long to tell people either...we are bad with secrets & when you feel sick all the time at first, it's hard to keep it a secret! hope you are feeling ok!!
Omigoodness, Stephanie, this is fantastic news!! Congratulations! So excited for you guys!! And for the record, I don't believe in keeping good news a secret. :) It also took us 11 months to conceive this time, so once it finally happened there was NO way were gonna keep it a secret. I can totally relate to the need to share your excitement!
I know you're scared, I think it's part of our motherly instinct to worry. I have lived through every mother's worst nightmare when our first son was stillborn, and I can attest to the fact that fear will paralyze you. If there's one thing I've learned through being pregnant again, it's this: If you spend all your energy on worry and fear, you will miss the miracle that God is unfolding right in front of your eyes.
Take your eyes off the "what ifs", and focus on the miraculous work that God is doing RIGHT NOW.
We are celebrating and praying with you!!
congratulations!!! I have enjoyed your blog very much!!!
-aaryn jones frick
Yay! So happy for you all. Love your blog!
Wow. what a beautifully honest post. Pregnacy is so exciting, it is hard not to share it. I know the fear of early pregnancy, and the reality that something can go wrong. You know that it is in God's hands alone, so no use worrying. Enjoy every minute of your miracle time!
Wow. what a beautifully honest post. Pregnacy is so exciting, it is hard not to share it. I know the fear of early pregnancy, and the reality that something can go wrong. You know that it is in God's hands alone, so no use worrying. Enjoy every minute of your miracle time!
hey congrats! i am just now catching up on my blog reading so sorry im a little behind! That is so exciting. can't wait to meet the new addition to your family. i just don't have time to blog but i do have pics of baby girl on facebook
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