This week school has been out but Mick has been pretty busy with ball and practice. We've spent alot of time with friends and that makes me very happy. We were supposed to meet Aunt Amy and Pax at the mall one day this week and we switched plans to a picnic. Oh, I was so glad. I had Hayden too so it was a much needed energy spender. Then on the day Mick took Micah to practice Sadie Jane and I had a date with Brittany and Rhett. It was one of the few times that I got to actually watch SayJ interact with someone her own age and actually get to pay attention. It was fun and made me smile at how much fun she and Rhett had together. She is so different than Micah and it is neat to watch her grow and change and play. We also got to have dinner for Uncle Mickey's birthday and dinner with the Wallace's. As always the kiddos enjoyed it and so did we. Hoping today is a restful, relaxing family time as Mick has had a long week and we finally get to spend some time with him. Please pray for his team there is a lot going on and they could really use the prayers, not for winning but for hearts and choices his players are making. Hopefully I can be more specific in days to come. But thanks for praying either way!
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