Krissy, Me, Trace, Annie P and Wendyroo in red:) We didn't plan it.

Molls and Lora plus baby Walt in tummy. Yippee!

Krissy and I...contrary to her eyes she had not had too much to drink.

Crammin in one car.

College car photos:)

The Sweet Suite!!

All of us at Two Urban Licks. Yum.

All of us plus my photogenic children. Ha.

Silly girls!

The awesome husband who made it all possible. (with help from Nana and Pops)

Micah wanted a photo shoot while we were all getting dressed on Sunday. Molls must've been pumpin' it up.

Ahh...signature Krissy.

Sadie Jane with her new friend P.

Me and the kiddos with Lora!

Ahhh. So I am on emotional overload. Starting Thursday my roommate and very best friend from Presbyterian College arrived. We got to hang out just she and I and the kiddos. It was awesome. In typical Krissy fashion she cleaned up she helped with the kiddos and served her heart out even with her time away from her two boys. Then Friday Annie P picked up three more girls; Tracy, Lora, and Wendy and headed to our house. Mick arrived and took the kids to Nana and Pops. When everyone walked in I was in total shock. I didn't even know what to say. We hadn't all been together in eight years. We were all in a bible study together our senior year. It took us about 10 minutes to warm up then the talking started and it didn't stop. I think the first tears came after about an hour of everyone being together and by the end of the weekend all of us had shed some. In a very therapeutic, restorative way. Mollie was our last to arrive on Saturday morning. She and three other girls were also my roommates for two years. We stayed up both nights waaaay past my bedtime but it was so worth it. On Saturday night we went out to dinner and dessert and I seriously don't think I've been out with out a time check since I was pregnant with Micah. Sunday we shared our hearts and prayed for one another. Lora stayed a day after everyone and she and baby in tummy got some time with us. Hopefully she still wants to have the baby after experiencing our family dynamics. It was beautiful. The whole weekend was beautiful. We all cut right to the chase of where God had brought us, the pain and trials we'd been through and so many stories of redemption. I truly cannot put into words the magnitude of this weekend. Even as I type this post I feel at a loss of how to verbalize what I feel in my heart. But I want to remember it, so as always I find a way for words. Haha. How after two days I could be a better person and grown and learned so much is amazing to me. The whole thing was a modern day miracle. Hearing how each girl was still chasing after our Jesus, although most of us with husbands in tow, some of us with multiple children in tow and one of us about to be a new Momma in a mere months. Two girls had lost fathers since we'd graduated. Some had been hurt and healed. Some struggled with singleness. Some wrestled with infertility. Lots celebrated marraiges. Lots added to their PC education. Almost all moved to other states. The God we serve is so amazing to allow a reunion of such power. We were able to shower each other with the grace and mercy that He has so lovingly lavished on us. We were able to laugh loudly and long as I am sure He was smiling at our joy. Our friendships and kinships were only possible because of our Jesus and it renewed my love for Him by being around women so brave and bold. Praise the Lord! On, on PC!

This makes me smile, even as tears are welling up and streaming down. How wonderful to see you ladies together again, I know it must have been amazing. Love you!!
Ditto what Elizabeth just said...tearing up and smiling at the same time. what an amazing gift! so glad you were able to pull off a pretty miraculous feat!
That is so neat Steph!! I know you were so looking forward to this weekend and I'm glad it exceeded your expectations! Funny how God does that ;)
Love and miss you dearly!!
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