Bubba Love


More kisses!

Now for a bellykiss...

pure joy!

Daddy and his babies

Rearview Tutu

Oooo, that sun was bright bright.

Look who is walking...

and playing ball.

Singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider"

watching Bubba ride his motorcycle.

Today we have had fun and the fun will continue if cutie pants will take a nap before Mick's first official ballgame today. Micah actually asked to hold Sadie Jane this morning and wanted to play with her. He also wanted a bottle (which she hasn't had in months!) so he could feed her. Better late than never, right? It was too sweet not to take pictures of...then my mom came and watched them while I ran errands so that we could take Mick lunch to school. We were all decked out in our purple for the game and I figured why waste the cuteness on the mud only. So at least someone saw SayJ before that white onesie turned orange. Thankfully now that Mick is back in the classroom we will be able to see him more often...the way we did before. His old job was supposed to be flexible but it wasn't. So we also get to see Mrs. AnneMarie who is about to have little Emersyn anyday now. We took her some CFA today and I remembered those hot days last summer when SayJ was in my belly and I feel for all you with child right now, because this heat is insane...I swelled but I can't imagine with it being THIS hot. Prayers for all of you...especially AnneMarie:) I am so thankful that Mick is back at Chapel Hill. After that we came home and got some pictures before Micah's and (I hope) SayJ's nap. Sorry there are so many I just couldn't help it. These are more for Nana and Jenny. And to document her walking...she can't decide if she wants to walk or just crawl because it is so much easier. She walks so much better with something in her hand though...weird. Ok, this is not a blogpost it is a scrapbook post. My apologies.

Loved seeing the pictures and hearing all the updates on the kids. Sadie Jane is just the cutest little girl ever. Micah is such a cutie too. sissy
Love the post! Tutu Tuesday cracks me up! I should email you for the titles of my blog posts! :) I cannot believe how big she is getting!!! Looking forward to her 1 year photo session! :) oh, and some with big bro, too! hehe
OOh precious!!! I miss yall already :(
I forgot to mention, I see Micah still has his tongue out of his mouth pose. I love the picture of Mick and the two kids. sissy
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