The hasbeens (aka, the used to be kids:))

Because I couldn't leave this one out:)

Alllmost all the kiddos:)

The original girls, minus Michele and Nancy:(

We went to Orange Beach for Spring Break week. It was a week alright. But the first part was alot of fun. Our old Destin crew, that we went to Memorial Day with for years went to Perdido Key, just a few miles away. Since we were on a budget and had to wait til the last minute we booked on Perdido Bay...turns out that isn't as close to the key as I thought. But we did get to hang out with them twice, and they were surely there when we needed them, like always. More on that later:) But Brad Dobbs took over for cooking duties and everything was delicious! We ate together and watched the new children run wild. Such a crazy thing as we become the "hasbeens" as children and actually are the adults on this trip officially!

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