Monday, April 9, 2012

In the books...

Well our third annual family of four spring break trip was a success??!!?? Or should I say, it's in the books at least. We actually had an overall good time. We had tons of time as a family. Some great time with friends, eating yummy seafood, dying easter eggs, swimming, fishing, hunting easter eggs and having family Bible study time together. All things I had hoped for...but then there were some things I had feared and hoped against. That would be the stinkin' fever that SayJ came down with on Monday and didn't let up til we were leaving on Saturday. And a sad encounter between SadieJane and a concrete wall that landed us in the er getting her forehead glued back together! But all in all, even with three separate copays for SadieJane's issues we managed to have a really great time, in between those extremely stressful moments. I'll give the play by play on that in another post, you can skip it, but I need it for the blogbook. Needless to say keeping perspective helped tremendously and lots of conversations with the Lord for sure. Only a short pity party and then some more time in the sun, I think I best save my cry me a river for another day. Just thankful that we were together and that SadieJane is ok...and that Micahbird didn't seem to notice or be bothered by it as long as he was with his Daddy-O.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Sorry about all the medical stuff with Sadie-Jane, but so glad to hear you had a good time overall. Hope things go well as you get back into the crazy swing of things. Much love my friend.