My sweet SadieJane. The girl with more nicknames than curls! Seems like I started this blog to tell stories about Micahbird and poor SayJ has gotten the slack end of the blog. She'll probably be thankful. Just thought I'd post a little about her. A few weeks ago, after our great trip to the beach. SadieJane had bad fever/injury/vacation/watchdvdalldaylong hangover. When we got back she was out of control. We went to breakfast at a friend's house and she completely let loose. I spanked her the max amount of spankins' before we ever left for lunch! Ugh, I got so frustrated, embarrassed and angry that I completely let her get to me. We had a long prayer meeting with the Lord and I realized, in tears that the way I was looking at SadieJane is NOT the way I want Jesus to look at me when He needs to discipline me. I was way convicted of letting my anger and rage be where I disciplined out of instead of love and teaching. So, while she is still driving me baaazonkers at times, I am trusting the Lord to help me do it His way not mine. I can still remember going away pregnant for our five year anniversary when Micah was her age and telling Mick in tears that I had thoroughly messed Micah up and there was no hope. Thankfully I was wrong, and thankfully God forgives me way better than I set the example for my children. But without them, I wouldn't learn these lessons and I wouldn't see my immediate need to draw near to Him for strength. And, Micah has come out on the other side for the most part so I know it is possible with SadieJane. Amazingly, since I have stopped engaging her during her "battlecries", I "win" alot easier and am alot saner for it. The neatest part, that is straight from the Lord, is all the sudden she is HILARIOUS. I don't know if she has always been and I've just been to doggone mad to notice or if she has just picked up her game. She has always been "silly", but now she is FUNNY! Oh, how I love it. The pictures above are from her swinging. It is her new obsession and she would swing if I let her. She seriously wakes up from nap asking to go swing, when I drug her off of it to put her down in the first place. She squeals and screams and laughs the whole time. It is just pure joy for her apparently. One of the funniest things of late that she did, is Mick gave both kiddos Valentine's cards from him. This was a huge hit. SadieJane's was a Tinkerbell one so she literally wanted to sleep with it. Instead I put it by her bed and we have read it on and off after V-day. Well, the other night, she looked at me and said " I read it to you!". I said, sure, thinking she'd make up a story, something she loves. Oh no, she verbatim repeated the card. In her own sweet voice with her own little twist on things. It was so hilarious. She didn't know why I thought it was so funny. Now, before she reads it to me, she says "Now this not funny, don't laugh Momma." So I don't. Here is the little ditty she recites, strictly for future reference:
A magical, lovable girl like you, deserves a Valentine's day, that's pixie-dust happy enchanted and fun!
She also recites "My wittle Valentine, Love, Daddy" Last thing, since we realized we have a regular memorizer I decided we'd start back with some scripture memory. I mean Tinkerbell jingles are great and all, but not alot of eternal value in pixiedust! I started this week with my favorite of course, Romans 8:28 and 4 days later, she has got it. Tears streamed down my face as my precious girl starts hiding His word in her heart! Goodness knows she will use all those powerful words hidden in her heart to draw close to Him one day and to fight all this world will entice her with in the future.