This past week at school we had 50's day on Leap Day. It was also a surprise for us teacher's that the room mom's made a teacher appreciation day for us! My partner in crime and teaching, Erin and I got together on our week off and put together cute retro skirts with a modern twist. We made matching tutus' for us and our girls. It was a long process but other than my glasses and ponytail not looking so hot, it was perfect. Those two of you who are longtime readers remember all my angst and worry about loosing my job last year. It was such a time of trusting the Lord, and alot of me fighting that. But the Lord brought about a small job at the church that we go to, at the preschool my babies go to, with the teacher that Micah first had, and who happened to be a good friend. While I begrudgingly talked to the director about working there, God had to work on my heart to get me excited about it. BUT, since the very first staff meeting it has been so evident as to His plan and purpose. I literally start to cry everytime I talk about the place. It is just amazing as to how God works things out, and while I speak it/type it, it is often a hard thing to see flushed out in life. The women that teach at the ELC are amazing but I would venture to say that while I probably have sooomething in common with each of them, I am VERY different from all of them. Just ask them. Seriously. I do feel like I don't belong at times. Not anything of anyone's doing, but just the sheer difference in the way God made me, but I guess I sortof get that everywhere I go.(this probably should bother me:)) He broke the mold on me, for sure. Anyways, the women there, while they might be different than me, and most are in a different season of life, one of our similarities is that they love my Jesus too. And they live it. I have learned something from each of them, even though sometimes I still don't know their names...shhh...don't tell them. The biggest way God has blessed me this year in my preschool job is through my sweet partner pictured above, Mrs. Mann. You know how I mentioned being different from all those women, well, she is no exception. Mrs. Mann and I, while we have similarities, we are just so different. What is awesome is the ways that we are different are mostly areas I am working on and it is so easy to glean those things from someone who has figured some things out. Erin is gowiththeflow, servanthearted, straightforward, doesn't beat around the bush, nonjudgemental, says what she means, doesn't analyze, follows Jesus, and also isn't perfect:) Hope she wont mind me telling ya'll. Seriously, when God places you to work with someone you always know it is going to be a challenge, and it just hasn't been. Because Erin, says what she means and that is that. She is so not a "girl" in the ways that I am. I know there is supposed to be conflict but we don't really have any...I am sure we will now since I am boasting about it. But it is because we both feel the freedom in Christ to grant one another grace and to just say "hey sorry, that was a bad day for me." or to text each other and say "excuse the funk, i'll come out of it tomorrow" and then we pray for each other and that is that. While teaching preschool is work, getting to hang out with Erin is not and I am so thankful that God saw this season of our lives to put us together in a place where we could see Him in each other. Moreso, me than her I am sure. So while I have no idea if God will have me back at the ELC next year, I am thankful for each moment He has granted me to serve and learn there from some extraordinary women. Looking back I just laugh at the posts I wrote about not wanting the change from my chicken house job, now I wouldn't go back for anything. Romans 8:28 says the Lord!!

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