We saw ALOT of characters while in Disney World. The characters were by far SadieJane's favorite part. She loved to talk to them, hug them and kiss them. Since she was too little to ride the "big kid" rides, we would go find characters while Mick, Micah and the rest of the big kid crew went to ride scary things. Which is why SayJ is pretty much the star of our character show. Plus, Micah did not like them at all. He wasn't scared of them, he just really didn't care about having his picture made with them. Jake, was the only one that he was excited about, and he allllmost backed out of that one. Micah did take part in the group shots and at Chef Mickey's he agreed to have pictures taken because he was in turn getting them to sign his baseball. The characters were everywhere and way more accessible than I remember. Most had lines but didn't take more than 10-20 minutes. Except good ole' princesses and tinkerbell. Disney is definitely capitalizing on that market...and SayJ is definitely getting sucked in. BUT, SayJ refused to really talk to the "real" characters that could really speak. She instead chatted it up with anyone whose mouth was cemented into a plastic smile. When it came to the Princesses and tinklebell she froze and would just stare and stare as they tried their darndest to get her to say something. I even jumped in to translate what her stares meant often and to try to get her warmed up, but stare and smile, smile and stare was all the girls were getting out of her. In turn I will have to admit the characters were actually my favorite part too. The way they interacted with us was so special and I just enjoyed watching SayJ experience such joy from their small acts and gestures. Since SadieJane and I were relegated to spending lots of time alone together it was a special treat to be the one to introduce her to all her friends and Mick was so kind most of the time to take the pictures for us if he was around. A small bit of info that Mick and I weren't expecting is that everyone there offers to take a picture with your camera for you. The disney employee will just step right up and snap away so that everyone can get in a picture. With all my picture love this was obviously something I was so thankful for...

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