These two babies are the best of friends and the worst of enemies. I can't believe how hard they can love one another yet at the same moment they can be so ugly. (mainly Micah, but I know SayJ's time is comin') SadieJane still adores her Bubba and thinks that everything he does is hilarious, amazing and right. He can talk her into doing anything, which at times is helpful to me, but most of the time gets them both in trouble. Yesterday Micah wanted to rock SayJ, then he insisted I get the camera. It reminded me of when he would do that when she was a little baby. Time just goes to fast. But their love for one another makes me cry happy tears lately. Micah sings to SadieJane almost every nap and bedtime and she always makes him come back for a big kiss! Yesterday he sang her a song to the tune of "You are my sunshine" which is his standard daily song. This time it went like this...
You are my sister, my only sister,
I love my SayJ, I'll give her candy,
Because I love her, I'll give her cookies.
It went on a while longer...but that is all I can remember. I was trying to keep from both cracking up and shedding a silly little tear. I am so thankful that these two have each other and I pray that they continue to stay close to one another and help keep each other in check as they grow. Goodness knows, with their personalities they are gonna need more than just Mick and I keeping them straight.

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