We had a wonderful family day yesterday. Our local Atlanta Zoo has a Halloween trick or treating every year so we decided to go. It was well worth it. The kiddos wore old costumes from the dress up trunk because it was FREEZING! We picked the two costumes that had hoods! Love that trunk. Micah did not want to be a monkey. Frankly he refuses to wear both long sleeves and long pants on any given day. It has just finally gotten cold enough here that he really can't get away with that. So for the first day we went ahead and sent him straight over the edge by putting him in a monkey suit. By the end of our time...he finally adjusted. It was a packed house at the zoo but we got there early and made our rounds before it was too bad. I was curious as to how well it would be done, but the Boo at the Zoo did not disappoint. I recommend it and hope we can find a way to go next year too.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Brr...Boo at the Zoo!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Play Hard. Fight Hard. Love Hard.
You are my sister, my only sister,
I love my SayJ, I'll give her candy,
Because I love her, I'll give her cookies.
It went on a while longer...but that is all I can remember. I was trying to keep from both cracking up and shedding a silly little tear. I am so thankful that these two have each other and I pray that they continue to stay close to one another and help keep each other in check as they grow. Goodness knows, with their personalities they are gonna need more than just Mick and I keeping them straight.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Only a day away....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Our Surprise 5K Runner...
So again another post for a select few. My Dad ran the 5K!!! For those that don't know my Dad this might seem not so monumental. But for those that do...I hear you laughing and can see the shock in your eyes:) What happened was...Mom had planned to walk the 1 Mile fun run with Hayden, then she wasn't feeling great so she said Dad could do it. Then they found out to get the shirt Dad had to be registered for the 5K. So instead of just going to get his goody bag while I ran...Dad showed up at the START line, next to me! He starts putting on his MP3 player and pretending he has a clue. I told him I was a little concerned and that he better walk the 3 miles. I mean, my mom has been walking it like crazy lately but Budda, he has been using the golf cart for long distances at the lake. So, 49 minutes later, there came Budda jogging out of the woods! All those in attendance could not believe their eyes! Hee hee. Seriously, I was so impressed and proud. Maybe by next year he'll run it WITH me and cut his time in half:) Way to go Daddy!!
Oh My Bird!
I figured this needed a full post. I apologize ahead of time for being that Momma, this is for Nana and Pops who weren't at the race...and the two other people who will suffer through it:) But this is my scrapbook as well as my blog so it must be done. Micah competed in his first ever competitive event. We didn't realize it but we really had no idea how Micah would do in a situation like this...I had already prepped him that unlike at home when he races SadieJane, he MIGHT not win. He said he was ok with that. But in those few moments where Micah ran that little dash I felt what I see in all those Momma's of kids Mick coaches and I was frightened and excited all at the same time. I was so happy for him to be competing but also wanting him to do his best. Wanting him to win, but not neccesarily wanting others to lose. It was just a weird first experience for me. Alas, he did win and he did show that he is definitely waaay more like his Daddy than his Momma in the competitive sense. I could see the relief on Mick's face:) Don't go thinking we would love him any less, we wouldn't. But it was neat seeing him do something, enjoy it, and be good at it. I'm not foreseeing a running future, I'm just excited he had such a fun first experience. To make it even better Paxton raced too and they both ended up with trophy's!!
J-Day a Family Race Event!!
Last Sunday was a J-Day Family Fun Race. A dear friend of our families, who taught in our school system for 36 years has a race to raise funds for a scholarship in her name. I usually play tennis so I have to miss it, but since I've been running so much I really wanted to do the 5 K. So I did. Hayden raced in the 1 mile fun run and I thought it would be fun to warm up for my 5K by jogging with him...notsomuch. Hayden is apparently a sprinter and would run hard for about 30 seconds and then walk the majority! But he finished and I chased his booty to the finish line so I was proud of him for that! After that I ran my race and finished somewhere around 28 minutes. That isn't great for real people runners, but for me that was huge. We had a great time as a family and as you read above Budda and Micah also competed well!! We can't wait til next year!